[hider=Kaitlyn Winters] Name: Kaitlyn Winters Age: 23 Gender: Female Height: 5'3'' (1.60m) Weight: 110 lbs. Occupation: Great Britain's Olympian Single Women's Ice Skater Hobbies: Ice Skating and an avid fan of theatre Personality: Kaitlyn was a rather gentle and kind person before all this zombie nonsense. She was considered sweet and soft-spoken but never timid or shy. All of that is in the process of taking a 180 as she grows a bit bitter and colder to other people. She'll shy away from people and just kind of take a backseat to whatever is happening. Yet a bit of her Olympic persistence and determination have kindled her person. She is definitely not a quitter. Her biggest fear is moving on. She doesn't want to forget her life before this and accept this new reality. Sentimental items have become quite valuable and precious, which can cripple or even endanger herself or others. Theme: [youtube]KIMW61A20Gg[/youtube] Appearance: [url=http://miobi.deviantart.com/art/D462-457362079] Clothing: -Head: N/A -Chest: Slightly worn black leather jacket, light blue collared button up shirt, a white tank top, and a pink with white pokadotted bra underneath. -Legs: Some tight (not too tight) fitting black jeans -Hands: A silver engagement ring with an attractive diamond gem -Feet: A comfortable pair of black loafers with no socks on. -Back: N/A Items: Most important to her is her Olympic Gold medal followed by her Olympic gear which includes: a brand new (as well as a second pair) pair of ice skates, warm-up clothes, and one of her figure skating dresses. Most of her gear was kept in a bag along with two water bottles, a few snack bars, and a digital camera. She has her purse that had a few mundane things as well. Scavenged from the days following the event, she has obtained her handgun, some ammo, two bobby sticks(police batons), and a torch. Weapons: L9A1 side arm, 9 rounds, and a pair of ice skates. Vehicle: [url=http://media.caranddriver.com/images/14q1/566443/2014-bmw-m235i-coupe-photo-566520-s-1280x782.jpg]BMW M235[/url] Stats: -Awareness: 3 -Close Quarters: 2 -Fitness: 5 -Marksmanship: 2 -Speed: 4 -Strength: 2 History: Kaitlyn comes from a rather unimpressive family who hailed out of London. Her father was a factory worker and her mom a cook on the weekends. She had two brothers and one sister which tailed up to six family members, seven if you include the cat. Kaitlyn started out rather basic, living in a small house with two working class parents and nothing really extraordinary. However, Kaitlyn saw to change that for she was always interested in two things: ice skating and stage performances. Starting at a young age, Kaitlyn learned ice skating routines for a junior ice skating club, balanced with a local playhouse that held stage performances every once and awhile. The best part was that it was all mostly free and provided Kaitlyn an escape from the mundane life. With age came great talent as Kaitlyn steadily improved on stage but exponentially grew in her ability to ice skate, for whatever reason. She absolutely loved the ice which her and her family believe was the fuel of her talent. At the age of fourteen, Kaitlyn decided to abandon her stage performances in favor of blending her two interests together and aimed to compete competitively in figure skating. Stage and ice skating, as it turns out, blended together rather nicely and Kaitlyn flourished in figure skating. She just felt comfortable on the ice and many would say, Kaitlyn just seemed at home on the ice. Three years would pass until the British Figure Skating League would notice Kaitlin and offer her the opportunity of a life time. The chance to represent her home country in the Olympics. It felt like a long two years as Kaitlyn patiently awaited the Winter Olympics, but finally she had her chance and she succeeded... minorly. A bronze medal was what Kaitlyn had come up with. She was essentially the third best figure skater in the world and most people would be satisfied at that. However, Kaitlyn had just a taste and wanted to aim higher. Next Winter Olympics she wanted gold, and by golly, she got gold. At just the age of 23, Kaitlyn Winters had become the best figure ice skater in the world and became quite a celebrity. She endorsed products in advertisements, gave speeches to schools, and received all sorts of attention. Her car was a gift from BMW as well many other things. A lot of that would corrupt people, but Kaitlyn remained pretty head-strong and did her best to remove herself from some of the pitfalls that other people in her position would face. Yep, life was pretty good up until a few days ago. Kaitlyn was already going back to train for the next Olympics, excited for what was supposed to come and not what did come. Survival was tough but the Olympic village where Kaitlyn was staying, had security and thanks to a very cautious guard, Kaitlyn and the guard survived the initial chaos. Somehow he knew what steps to take and whether he was just the brilliant or just that lucky, the both of them managed to escape London in Kaitlin's BMW. The plan was to head for a relative's country house but a detour had taken them just south a little quarry and both of them had no idea where they were at that point. Companions: [url=http://cdn.tvwise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Patterson-Joseph1.jpg]Evan Johnson[/url] (34) was a guard of the British Olympic Training facility in London before the outbreak. He is now accompanying Kaitlyn Winters, armed with a L9A1 and a tire iron.[/hider]