[quote=Draconilian] I know my measurements, and there is no definition of what a Dragon is or isn't, size or otherwise. Besides, I'm playing a Dragon so I'm not gunna ban themthink about it, if you're shapeshifting into something, mass is kind of an issue, honestly that much is stretching it, but if someone shapeshifts into something enormous, it would either be ecosystem unfriendly, or completely insane. It's really more a convenience thing though (like requesting everybody to be able to speak english...) because you wouldn't want shapeshifting limited by space would you? [/quote] A traditional dragon is massive. A drake is literally a dragon, but more of the 20 foot one you desire. I was simply giving you the "traditional". If you want to call them dragons then you are entitled to do so. We shall be 20 foot dragons. Still terrifying mind you!