Lord Finch of Numburg sat looking at the parchment. The one thing Finch had feared more than anything had finally happened, the Numburg economy along with the rest of the world for that matter had crashed. Finch sat puzzling for a long time, when finally it struck him. How could he have overlooked it before. The government still had more than enough money to support itself and so it would begin to support those who couldn't in these hard times as well. Finch called over the young lieutenant who had been charged as his adjutant. "This shall be our defining moment, the poor if Numburg shall beg for food no longer. See to it that soup kitchens are opened to feed them, and make sure they are given clothes to wear as well. If they have no shelter we shall give each family a large tent. The encamped rebels will be starving as well, see to it that they are fed and given fresh water." Finch said continuing to read the parchment. "Sorry sir but you want us to feed the starving rebels?" The lieutenant asked in confusion. "Yes lieutenant, that is exactly what I want you to do. How can we ever expect to have a unified Prussia if the citizenry is never cared for, and that includes rebels... If nothing else it will make them think twice about about being rebels." Finch said frowning. "Very well Lord Finch I shall see to these tasks immediately." The lieutenant said with a salute as he departed. This was going to be an expensive project and Numburg will for starters spend 1 Billion Franks on the project.