Arianna absentmindedly kicked aside a small stone, walking along a street in the former middle-class sector. The little noises it made while it skittered away from her was the only sound heard in the now quiet Sovereign streets. It sounded loud and obnoxious to Arianna, but at the moment a little annoying rock wasn’t enough to upset her. No, Arianna had been through too much this past year for a measly stone to upset her. First, Arianna had felt an intense hunger and feeling of emptiness inside her. Her throat had been dry and her stomach unfilled for many days after the Void Gate had opened. She wasn’t used to scavenging for food, so she starved and thirsted for a long time. In these days Arianna had felt enough pain from starvation to make her wish she had died during the Void Gate opening. It was then that a miracle happened. She remembered the first drop of water and bite of food she had felt after binding with Castiel vividly. Arianna had found an empty water bottle, and had left it out to fill when rain happened to bless the poor desolate city. The way the water had felt and tasted on her tongue was quite like a drop of gold. The food was a small loaf of bread she’d found on the ground after a military troop had moved through. It had tasted like heaven to her. Smartly, Arianna only took small bites. Her stomach wasn’t ready to be completely full, and she needed to make this loaf last as long as she could before she found another source of food. Eventually Arianna became a really good scavenger, and at one point even dared to steal from the military. Fortunately she had gotten away before she was noticed, and had scored a canteen and a few loaves of bread. These she kept in her satchel, which had fortunately survived the Void Gate opening. Second, Arianna had faced many perils in the past year. When she wasn’t searching for shelter, food, or a drink, she was always hiding from people that came close to her. She had naively run up to the first person she saw alive and nearly gotten herself killed. The person she had run up to had been a Conduit, who was hostile and thirsty for spirit. She didn’t remember how she survived, but she remembered waking up next to the body of the host. Later on, Castiel ashamedly revealed to her that he had taken full control of her body and fought the monster. At first Arianna had been uneasy about how Castiel had controlled her without permission, but she realized that if he hadn’t taken control, she would have died. She agreed with him that he could take control of her whenever she couldn’t fight people off on her own. From this dead conduit, Arianna had found a bloodied rapier. Its blade was long and surprisingly sharp, and the handle was indigo with a gorgeous metal knuckle guard around it. Disgusted by the blood, Arianna had wiped it on the dead host’s body. The rapier was pretty light, so Arianna had no trouble in swinging it around. At first she’d been a little uneasy about how to use it, but Castiel helped her learn the basics. From there, she figured out new techniques and learnt how to fight and defend herself. The third issue was far more of an issue than the first two. When Arianna had awakened after the terrifying day the Void Gate opened, she’d had a terrible panic attack. The city around her was destroyed, she was all alone and trapped, and she had allowed some strange entity to bind with her soul. The poor girl had collapsed in utter bewilderment and fear. When Castiel had tried to comfort her, he had unfortunately made it worse. Eventually Castiel was able to soothe her, but only after he had explained who he was, what he was, where he was from, and why he was here. Arianna had only felt comfortable with him after he had divulged everything about him and his kind. With this new knowledge of Kages and of Castiel himself, he and Arianna’s relationship began to grow. It was awkward at first. Castiel could feel whatever she was feeling, see whatever she was seeing, and hear every thought inside her head. It wasn’t so comfortable for Castiel, either. The poor kamikage wasn’t used to sharing a body. Sometimes he would find himself accidentally moving her arm or even breathing. He had to get used to letting Arianna take control of this foreign body. He also had to get used to not having wings. In the spiritual part of her mind, Castiel found his wings still remained, but whenever he had to take control of Arianna to get her out of a tough situation, the Kage was uncomfortable with the feeling of a bare back. He was especially uncomfortable with the new body parts. To humans, Castiel was considered a man, but Arianna was anything but a man. In the past year, they had grown quite fond of each other, and were much comfortable with sharing spirit, mind, and body. They had become one, but managed to keep their separate identities. When Castiel had told Arianna of his abilities, she was at first in awe, and in disbelief. After a little demonstrating, Arianna believed him. She was surprised that she could even control them. At first it was just a spark. She could only hold up a pebble for a few seconds before she would feel exhausted, and couldn’t hear any thoughts at all. It was only after they had defended themselves against a few kages and killed them all that Arianna could control the powers more. At this point in time, Arianna could only pick up something as heavy as a hot dog cart without completely draining herself. The telepathy was another thing. The only thoughts she could hear were loud thoughts in a close range. It was like a radio signal. Sometimes it would be clear, and other times it would be fuzzy. She still used it to detect any possible intruders around her. Arianna paused with a frown as she reached the remains of a building that had fallen down into the street. She quickly found a safe way to walk over it, and began the climb up the pile of rubble. On the other side, it unfortunately dropped off. It was only a few feet high, so Arianna easily jumped down. She winced when she landed, immediately shifting her weight onto her left foot. Her right ankle was sending little jolts of pain up her nerves. After the light pole had crashed onto it, it had never fully healed. She’d tried her best to set it back to its normal position, but the bone had not reconstructed itself fully. Arianna had to learn to deal with the pain, but fortunately the pain faded as the year went on. Now it only hurt her when she twisted it wrong, or jumped onto something. After taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it, the pain faded. She tentatively set her foot down and put weight on it. When it didn’t hurt, Arianna continued on her walk. [hider=OOC] It's a little long... hehe. Sorry. Don't you dare say "tl;dr" though, [i]KISH[/i]. [/hider]