Arashi blinked twice before looking at Sakura with possibly the most bewildered 'are-you-a-freaking-idiot' face ever seen in all the lands. This dragon was attempting to negotiate her escape. Or rather, was [i]probably[/i] trying to negotiate her escape. If she was, it was horribly such a horribly ineffectual attempt that he almost felt [i]sorry[/i] for her. If this was to be an accurate display of her level of intelligence, maybe she couldn't even help him accomplish his goal. Yeah. Perhaps he [i]should[/i] bring her back. If only to get a smarter dragon. Then again, that would make his next attempt about a billion times harder than it was this time. Same case if he were to bring her back and attempt to get a metaphorical refund. Except the latter had much more chance of getting himself eaten. Maybe not by the dragon before him, but probably by the dragons back at the farm. There was a strange silence after all of the dragon's talking. Arashi, having worn that same look on his face during the entirety of Sakura's speech, sighed loudly, putting a hand to his face and allowing it to slide off slowly. "Okay. Let me explain to you something. One: I'm not letting you go. Period. Two: We're really far from your home, and, even if I wanted to, I'm not going to walk all the way back. Three: Thanks for disposing of my leftovers. Four: You're probably going to be attempting to escape if I take those binds off. But I'll do it," Arashi said matter-of-factly, before turning away to sift through his bag. He removed another line of rope and approached Sakura from behind, where she couldn't see him. Arashi tied a makeshift collar to her neck, and tied the other end onto his waist. [i]Then[/i] he got to work on the bindings, finally freeing the young dragon. Sort of.