Like clockwork the seriousness faded and the jocularity came in. The band liked not only to talk big, but dream big as well. Some of them practiced day and night, some of them had natural talent that you don’t see too often. Together they were likely the strangest band for at least three counties, but people liked that. No matter what business this place had normally, Out of Thin Air was bound to bring in some fans. To Russ it was all fun and games, trying something new and deciding on then next move. It had seemed like they were on a winning streak lately, and the mood was good. [i]"I'd be game for round eight of "Dueling Violins,"[/i] he commented, winking at Valerie. [i]"She's up four to three, lest you wanna retire a winner Val."[/i] Russel would have never thought that routine would be that popular. What originally started as him stepping on her toes so to say turned into a neat little act, classic versus modern. It turns out most people didn't even know violins had gone electric, and apparently the score shows that you can't beat the original, even though he planed to change that.