[b]Finished editing on July 12, 2014. Changes include Avatar Ability and Avatar Name.[/b] [hider=Character Image] [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140707015347/creepypasta/images/thumb/7/71/Anime-boy-cool-hoodie-manga-Favim.com-410734_large.jpg/180px-Anime-boy-cool-hoodie-manga-Favim.com-410734_large.jpg][/hider] [Ben Embree | 22 | Male] [i]’The stuff dreams are made of’[/i] Appearance Ben sported an untamed hairstyle that is medium length and looked very healthy. His eyes were mostly green with a hint of hazel on the outer rim of the iris. And he never towered over anyone with a toned 5’8” body, which showed well enough definition. He had long, broad shoulders and very muscular legs which were always covered with cargo pants. His clothing style is fashioned after his favorite movie and documentary explorers, usually a mom-colored khaki shirt and cargo jackets. His favorite being a yellowish-tan khaki shirt under an open forest green cargo jacket with a gray hood, ash-colored cargo pants and black converses (never a huge fan of boots). [hider=Avatar Ability - Photokinesis] Ben completely unaware of any avatar abilities can manipulate light. His beginning stages starts out by allowing Ben to change the color of items by manipulating the property of an item allowing them to absorb or reflect light waves and thus changing the color, intensity and energy of the item to the point of perfectly camouflaging the intended subject and even mask the soul and ley. Also at this stage he can focus light and “carry” light so that he can illuminate what are otherwise dark areas. After mastering his early stage, Ben the starting stages of allowing Ben to use light as projectiles by increasing the energy of the light, and consequently the heat, into a plasma and is able to shot the heated ball of energy hitting a subject with the intense heat. After mastery of the past two stages Ben can finally embark in mastering his final stage of his avatar ability. Ben is finally able to mask the light the plasma balls reflect and instead the plasma ball absorbs all light creating a more intense and invisible ball of plasma that is shot out. Ben is also able to create a plasma sword that radiates a bright white light and can cut through most material (think of a light saber from Star Wars) the intensity of the sword however is too great and the reflectance will never be able to conceal.[/hider] Personality Ben is a very energetic and, often stated, passionate guy. His passion can quickly turn into an inspiring rant that leaves most of his listeners in the dust because of his great details and technical aspect. Ben often thinks in terms of technical and has advance knowledge and understanding of technology but also has the gift of think like an artist. Without the ability to paint or descriptively write, Ben focused his artistic abilities with his technical ones and trained to become a Cinematographer since his mid-years of High School. He is a patron of art and movies is the preferred art form. As a cinematographer, he has felt more in tune with his surrounding and with people resulting in a very open and extroverted individual. Traits -Strengths in school Math, Biology, Physics, Geology, Physical Education and Engineering -Likes/Dislikes Likes: Digital Media, Film, Movies, Astrology, Cameras and People Dislikes: Tomatoes, Bigotry, Accepted Ignorance, Lack of Passion -Other talents Camera operator, film loader and processor, cinematography, technology and science literate. [hider=History] Ben childhood was never privilege and his trails started since his birth being born during a record setting blizzard in the mountains in a facility that didn’t have the proper means to take care of him and various complications followed throughout the first 10 years of his life. His father joined the military which allowed his family to leave their poor beginnings and see more of the world. They were forced to move regularly till his father was dismissed from service and they moved to a big city of Baltimore where his father could find work. At the age of 13, Ben’s parents filed for divorce and Ben was forced to split his time with them. With his parents dealing with larger than life complications, it was the streets that raised Ben. The stories of the construction worker, the prostitute, the cross dresser who dressed up like Brittney Spears, the beaten down cop and the unhappy office worker. It was these that shaped Ben’s view of other’s life and these stories inspired him to hear them all. After High School, Ben manage to go to a famous film school on scholarships and excelled in studies of cinematography and camera operations. He started working as a second assistant camera and was able to work his way up early in his college career. After he graduated he went mostly into war-zone videography, going into war-torn areas and recording the stories of soldiers, terrorist, politicians, civilians caught in the crossfire and chaos. The encounter of the PhyKnight came when Ben was in the Himalayas. He was finishing up a documentary on the Tibetan Buddhist when an old stranger knocked on his door. The stranger invited himself in and surveyed Ben’s living quarters, picking up a random item and then setting it down. There was a long silence and the only sounds were of the snow storm happening outside his cottage. “Do you know who I am?” the stranger asked. The age threw Ben off at first but with a quick thought of the pictures he had seen in the temples he realized, “Yes, you’re the Dalai Lama reincarnated, Tenzin Gyatso.” The old stranger smiled as he took a seat in a wooden chair, shifting his robes to make him comfortable. Ben ask if Tenzin would want anything and warm water was his only response. After Ben came back with warm water the Dalai Lama took a quick sip and stared meaningfully into his drink, “You’re a special person Mr. Embree, the Buddhist tell me of your skills. They say you have great wonder and are living a dream.” A pause, Ben searching for the words to say but the stranger finds his words before Ben, “You live a dream, Mr. Embree, but what is it that you are searching for? Are you sure you, yourself are alive? A man who records stories but do you have a story of your own, I wonder.” Ben remained silent, unsure of how to answer. Instead he did what he knew best, he grabbed his camera. For the beautiful view and the high contrast he brought a long an Arri Amira with the Compact Prime Zeiss .2 Lenses. The use of prime lenses is uncommon for documentary work but Ben felt it forced a connection with the subject because he had to anticipate the action, plus a prime gave a better look than a zoom. He asked for an interview and the stranger just smiled, “A storyteller with no story. Mr. Embree, you are about to embark on a wonderful journey that will tell you truths that no one else on this world will ever know...” The stranger looks into the camera, fitted with a 50mm lenses and not recording, “...maybe out there you will finally find what you are looking for.” The Dalai Lama consented to what he said would be the last interview he would give in his lifetime, maybe the last interview a Dalai Lama will ever give and Ben made sure to recover everything.After 2 hours the old stranger had left and the once raging storm settled. Ben packed and went to bed. The mountains were never quite, the wind always blew. The mountains were never dark, the snow always reflected the light. Ben felt an odd sense of comfort in his cot, under the blankets. He wasn’t out there in the illuminate cold, he was here safe and warm. His racing mind of the interview started to settle into clear pictures and Ben could feel himself drifting to sleep. [i]“A storyteller with no story.”[/i] And with that he fell asleep. Hours past and for some reason Ben felt compelled to open his eyes, a rush of cold air filled the room and he could see snow flowing into his once protective cottage. Startled Ben rose from his cot and looked around. The walls started to fade, in fact everything started to fade from Ben’s vision and stood in front of him was an armored knight, “I am PhyKnight, and I will be your guide....” Ben woke up in a cold sweat after this dream. Outside was still dark but the sunrise was only an hour away. After trying to make sense of this dream he referred back to his surprise visit of the Dalai Lama, [i]“A storyteller with no story, Mr. Emree, you are about to embark on a wonderful journey that will tell you truths that no one else on this world will ever know... Maybe you will finally find what you are looking for.” [/i] “Maybe I will...”[/hider] Miscellaneous -Theme Song [youtube]1aJa7KrTHf0[/youtube]