Masaru, head down, felt defeated. He didn't want to be at this school. He didn't know anyone, there was already a drug dealer (candy dealer), and the people here "are mean" according to him after that person just completely indirectly insulted him with the one phrase, "nice backpack." "What were you thinking, mother? Father?" Masaru asked to no one in particular as he walked down the hallway. "That I would be happy that I made friends in this cesspool of a school? I'm not a child anymore, I don't need friends to function..." Masaru then looked outside the window, trying to find something that would calm him down. "But... I suppose I can't tell you that when we're hundred of miles apart..." Masaru then stopped, staring out the window for a few minutes until finally resuming his walk around the academy. ---- "Thank you..." Masaru said as the nice middle aged lady guided him towards the principal's office. "It's no problem!" The nice lady said as she left the room. [i]It is to me... dear god, can I do anything more wrong today?[/i] Masaru thought. Masaru then looked around the principal's office and noticed someone slumped in his chair. [i]... Oh dear god I've done it again.[/i] Masaru knelt down beside him, putting his hands on his shoulders, trying to shake him, trying to see if he was still alive. [i]The sight of my backpack must have sent ripples of laughter through him, causing him to faint or die while I was turned around![/i] "WAKE UP," Masaru yelled out. "WAKE UP AGAIN," Masaru screamed at the top of his lungs, resembling a screech. "NOT GOING TO LET MY BACKPACK KILL YOU, WAKE UP." At this point, Masaru raised his hand in the air, ready to smack him to wake him up.