[hider=Appearance: ] [img]http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk143/Voltriobix/vx121/1274196123436.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Clothing usually worn:[/b] Green Coat singed/burnt in places, Black pants and sleeveless grey shirt. Black boots, Brown leather satchels and pouches with magical powders. [hider=Carries a Musket Slung around her shoulder.] [img=http://www.cherrys.com/pedpics/S262b.jpg] [/hider] [b]Anything different from appearance than what is seen above:[/b] Ember burns on cheeks [b]Name:[/b] Faye White [b]Title:[/b] Faye The Fire Starter [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Age: [/b] 29 [b]Country of Origin:[/b] Born in England [b]Race:[/b] Witch [b]Siphon: [/b] Burning Wood [b]Magic: [/b] Can manipulate and create fire, increasing and decreasing the intensity of heat. [b]Skills:[/b] Shooting Flintlocks (Pistols, Muskets, Rifles) Blacksmithing Creating magical powders. [b]Personality: [/b] Serious, To the Point, Sarcastic, Anti-social [b]History: [/b] Faye was born in England. Her mother was a whore and her father could have been one of many men. She ran from home at a young age and travelled the country, stealing when she needed to. One day she was caught stealing from a blacksmith. The blacksmith took sympathy and took Faye in as if she was his own. Faye worked as the blacksmiths apprentice. In her teens, Faye found out her power and helped around the shop, keeping it secret from her adopted father. Despite this, one day the blacksmith found out and cast her out of the house, leaving her and making sure she was not welcome anymore. Faye then began to travel, surviving day to day. Many years later she found a travelling caravan, who took her in, offering a job and a home. [b]Caravan Duties: [/b] Faye is the Blacksmith, making and mending weapons from sword to pistols. She also creates magical powders. [b]Loves: [/b] Firearms, the smell of burning, [b]Likes: [/b] Being left alone, metal working, alcohol [b]Dislikes: [/b] Water, Overly friendly people, [b]Hates: [/b] Clergy, Pacifists. [hider=Boop] Glass [/hider]