Kirina jumped! Cecilia had wanted to play with her! With a tilt of her head she spun the mop around so that the stick was facing the other girl, she bent her knees and stood on a fencing position. Her smile grew wide, and it was clear that she was genuinely happy that someone gave her some attention. “Why! If the noble fighter were to win this duel… uhm.. They would be free of cleaning duties for a whole week!” She let out a giggle as she arched an eyebrow at Cecilia. With the mop she poked the back of her chair, which was already on two legs, and made it wobble. [i]”Karana!”[/i] “Как интересно!” ([s]How interesting![/s]) Kirina jumped when she heard Malika butcher her name and point a finger in her direction. Impossibly, her smile grew wider still at the thought of having [i]two[/i] friends to play with! “Do you dare challenge me too?! You will regret this choice soon!” She jumped away from both of them, still humming her Russian tune through her pants and threats. Kirina tossed one mop towards Malika and the one she was holding at Cecilia before skittering away from the two, her heavy shoes made deep clanks against the ground as she swerved and hid behind a nearby table. “You’ll never get me!” She shouted at the two of them. Kirina went quiet when Oliver passed. Her smile dropped for one moment as she saw that he was not having any fun. She always wanted her friends to have fun. Maybe he didn’t think that they were friends? This thought made her very nervous, as she thought that she was friends with everybody. She called out, “Her Oliv-“ but he had already disappeared through the secret door. “He couldav’ been on my team!” She muttered to herself. In only a few moments though, she had forgotten all about it and was yelling curse words in Russian at her two opponents once again.