Evangeline hadn't had too much trouble finding her way to the classrooms. She was pretty quick on her feet or so she thought; (ie: the lost contact in the auditorium). Regardless she found the classroom in not too much time after leaving the auditorium. She wondered about the group of kids she was talking- no, more listening to in the auditorium. [i]"They probably think I'm a loser."[/i] she sighed, running a hand through her hair as she took the pony tail out and shook her head back and forth to shake it out. It stuck out in awkward places, she was an awkward kid. Her dainty fingers ran through her hair untangling the intertwined strands. Crossing past the principal's office she heard cries of the children he was torturing. Or at least, that is what her imagination led her to believe. With her eyes widened and her strides increasing, she walked as fast as her little legs could carry her as the screams muffled out through the thick walls of the school in no time. [i]"Note to self, do not get in trouble or you will be smothered by a robot"[/i] Flashes of various robots and mechanical parts crushing Evangeline before her eyes as she zoned out, and her heart racing to the thought of the upcoming invasion. Reaching the classroom door, all thoughts were swept under the rug, and her game face was put on. She opened the door and walked right in, seeing a few of the familiar faces from the auditorium she gave friendly nods and even a half arm raise wave. [i] "Hi again!"[/i] she chirped to the students that had already made it into the classroom before her. She took no hesitation into sitting, she was almost a little tired from all the walking around on the huge campus that she had done already that morning. Embarrassment also took a lot out of a person for some reason. Taking a seat at the table and chair closest to the door, Evangeline figured that was her safest bet if anything were to happen that required her to leave quickly. Leave it to Evangeline to make an escape plan. Fidgeting in her seat, she moved around in it, trying to get comfortable. Suddenly the sound of paper under her feet caused her curiosity to peak. [i]"Whaa?"[/i] she questioned out loud, ducking under her desk and picking up the paper that had been under her feet upside down. She flipped it over. [hider= The Paper][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/1790te.png[/img][/hider] [i]"Wow!"[/i] Evangeline exclaimed her eyes scanning over the contents of the sketch. It was quite well done if she could say so herself. She wondered what the meaning behind it was, and wondered if the person who had drew it was still around the campus for her to return this treasured item to them. Evangeline looked around the classroom, no one was wearing backpacks. She wasn't even wearing a backpack, she remembered simultaneously. [i]"This must belong to someone who has a backpack!" [/i] Evangeline's brain called to her in it's matter-of-fact voice. She quickly but cautiously folded the paper in to multiple folds and placed it in the same pocket at the drug laced lollipop she had received earlier, from the drug dealer in the auditorium. [i]"I will make sure this backpack gets to the person with a backpack."[/i] Evangeline nodded. The girl had her mission. Nothing could stop her now.