[img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1464797-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] The [b]Land of Azakina[/b] is one of the less known part of the [b]kingdom of Harore[/b]. Azakina consists of mostly woodland, broken only by a few steady, meandering rivers and it's inhabitants are peaceful folk, who like to keep themselves out of the majority of Harore politics, which was infamous for being cutthroat and ruthless. As a result, it was usually left alone and the people living there preferred it that way. The majority of the population consisted of elves and solitary dwarves who favoured the quainter, slower lifestyle of the rural woodland. Dwellings were simple but cosy and most were content. Wars are becoming more frequent. The crown of Harore has fallen into the hands of an unpopular tyrant called King Solitaire and many races are beginning to rebel. As he possesses Giant's blood, Solitare thinks himself better than many of the other species scattered throughout the Kingdom and the new rules he's beginning to enforce are becoming more and more irrational that benefit only himself and a few elite Noble families at the top of Harore's hierarchy. It is only a matter of time before he turns his attention to Azakina. But most of the folk there live in ignorance, claiming that he'll forget about them. ------------------------------------ [b]Name[/b] Perrafine "Perry" Wisebane [b]Age[/b] 20 [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d45/Jadefox88/Elf-1-1-1.jpg[/img] Perry has lived in Azakina all of her life, where her parents are simple farmers. She, herself, is one of the food gatherers for her small tribe and spends her days wandering the woods with a bird she calls Totem, who keeps her company. She is a bit of a dreamer and is a hideously bad time keeper. She is often reprimanded for arriving home late and not sticking to the boundaries of their territory. One day - whilst gathering - she stumbled across a pair of fairy travellers. She hide in the bushes and began to eavesdrop, her curiosity finding them hard to ignore - she didn't see none-elves often. She heard them talking about King Solitaire and she became fascinated by the idea of politics - of which she never knew existed, due to the controlling nature of her parents. It seemed a very odd hobby for a mere Azakinian elf and as a result, Perry kept this particular interest to herself. Not that she'd ever pluck up the courage to leave her tribe. She is very reserved and does not make many friends from mere choice of wanting to be alone. For this reason, she often comes across as quite prickly when people try to talk to her. She has ambitions of leaving Azakina and visiting the Capital City. She wants to travel the lands - she's getting bored of living in the small bubble of the woodland of Azakina. [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/447069-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] [i]Totem[/i]