Universe 1: The Doctor smiled as she talked about humans drunk on the idea of love. That they were. Everyone was obsessed with love. Most with the love of themselves, but some with the love for others. The question is, what kind of love was their idea? The Greeks had different words for love. Eros, Agape, Philia and Storge. Each one discussed a different aspect: spiritual, physical, mental and family affection. But now, most people looped everything under the title of love. From [i]I love my dog[/i] and [i]I love my parents[/i] to romantic feelings. The irony that the day was Valentine's Day did not escape him. He glanced over at Jen as she suggested somewhere else. He grinned as he got the idea of where to go. It was peaceful, beautiful and it might help her broken heart. Not to mention that the solitude and serenity of the place might give her some ideas to continue writing. As they walked away from the park, the Doctor mentally marked which trash can she had tossed her book in. Though she might not want it now, there might come a day where she might actually want to go back and read it. Not to bring up old memories but just to reflect on what might have been. Either way, he would get it sometime in the future. Of course he would never open it, but at least it would be there if she ever wished to have it again. Once inside the TARDIS, the Doctor looked over at her seriously. "Let's leave this Valentine's Day behind." He told her flipping a few switches and activating the TARDIS. His destination was [url=http://images8.alphacoders.com/439/439567.jpg]Alterous Nine[/url]. Twin worlds orbited each other as they circled a G-class star. Though one of the planets was habitable the other one was not. And as the inhabitants of the system were still in the bronze age, there was no worry of traffic or tourism. At least not yet. He had gone far into the future and both worlds had been quickly populated. No. This was the best time to go. No buildings, no shops, and no one to bother them. He tried to remember the last time he had gone. It had been some time. Long before the war. Before the universe was thrown into chaos. Ah yes, he had gone on his fourth regeneration. He had taken his companion there to give them a bit of R&R after a hectic life and death experience. It was a nice place to visit. Flipping a switch, he waited brought the TARDIS into real space again. As it materialized on the planet he grinned at Jen. "You'll love this place." He told her going over to the door. "And don't worry. No one to bother you with Valentine's treats." He declared, a wide smirk on his face. Stepping out of the TARDIS, he breathed in the clean, fresh air. Grass grew in all directions and the other planet was clearly visible in the sky. Some clouds blocked part of it, only adding to its beauty. At her gasp, he looked at Jen, happy to see that this place pleased her. "And no one to bother us." He informed her. Walking along, his hands in his jacket, he watched as Jen surveyed the planet. There wasn't much trees in the area they landed but there was a lot of grass. A wild beast, similar to antelope back on earth, could be seen in the distance. Spotting them, it bounded away not used to strangers in its world. It was so serene. Peaceful. When was the last time that he had actually gone to a place just for some peace and quiet? Not in a long time. He was a man of action. A man constantly on the move. Besides, he had seen it all. Well, almost. Sometimes one did not fully appreciate the beauty unless there was someone else seeing it for the first time. That was why the Doctor had a companion. Well, that and he didn't like traveling alone. But having a companion always gave him a fresh look at things. Jen's appreciation and exclamation of the planet's beauty helped him it in a new light. Not just another planet, not just another location, but a place of beauty. Walking along, it brought back memories of Gallifrey. Of the bright red grass. The orange sky. It had been a wondrous place before the Time War. Not that he stuck around there much. He was an adventurer. He had to travel. But he had always expected it to be there when he returned. He never dreamed that it would be destroyed. Pushing the thoughts aside, he looked over at Jen. "So, was this a good idea or would you rather see the moons of Neptune?" He inquired. --- Universe 2 After informing her mother that they were coming, which of course, Summer let the Doctor do it. She was still a bit shy on speaking to her parents. She did know she would have to eventually get the nerve, especially as she would be at the party and there would undoubtedly be questions. For a second she worried on what they would ask. Would they want to know where she was from? Who her parents were? Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself. No reason to worry about that now. They would figure something out if it arose. She followed the the Doctor back to the TARDIS to get some rest before the next day. In the room the Doctor had given her, Summer pulled out the photo of her parents. It was the only one she had left and was taken when she was seven. She smiled as she looked at the picture. No matter what happened tomorrow, at least she would get some more time with her parents. She would learn more about them. It was only a shame that they would never get to see how she turned out. She wondered how they would feel about her current life. Realizing that the next day was going to be a long one, she set the photo aside and went to bed. The next day, Summer took extra care in choosing the right outfit for the time period before coming out. Though they wouldn't know who she was, she still wanted to make a good impression. As the party was latter in the day, Summer found she had plenty of time to kill. Going off alone, she walked along the quite streets remembering. Most people were either at home or church so she didn't have much to worry about on crowds. Thankfully, less people were about back in this era then in her time. She disliked crowds and could never understand why everyone had to be out and about on the holidays. As the sun started to slowly descend, Summer made her way back to the TARDIS. Meeting up with the Doctor, she smiled as she saw the wine battle. "Good choice. Dad was always a fan of some of the good wine." She informed him before growing silent. The walk over was a bit quiet with only a few words exchanged. As they approached the house, the Doctor informed her that he had a good feeling. That was good to know. She had begin to feel a bit of nerves but his confidence helped. Knocking the door opened. Keeping any surprise or recognition from her face, Summer gave a small smile to the man who was undoubtedly her father. eyes lighting up briefly upon receiving the bottle of wine, the man nodded toward the living room where a few people had already started to gather. Closing the door, he quickly disappeared into the kitchen, undoubtedly putting the wine away. Going into the living room, Summer smiled nervously at all the people, forcing herself not to run and hide. Sitting down, she was surprised that Mabel came over to talk to them. Chatting away, Summer hid a smile. Yes, like father, like daughter. Her father hated parties a lot more than she did but he still put up with them because of his wife. Coming back into the living room, he sat stiffly, though his eyes lit up with affection, whenever he glanced at Mabel. Realizing that Mabel was still talking, Summer quickly turned her attention back to here the two of them talk about some of the sights. After a few moments of conversation, which was mainly between the Doctor and Mabel, the Doctor excused himself and went to talk to a few other people. That left Summer there with the woman who would one day be here mother. "I'm sorry, Summer" Mabel said apologetic, having already been introduced earlier in the conversation. "But you look a bit familiar. Have we met before?" She inquired. Caught of guard a second, Summer shook her head. "No. You've never met me before." She replied honestly. Technically, her mother had yet to meet her as she had yet to be born. Mabel nodded a bit puzzled at why Summer looked familiar but she quickly brushed it off with a smile. "So, is he your boyfriend?" She asked nodding toward the Doctor. Summer blushed and shook her head. "No. Just a friend." She replied. "We meet some time back and are just traveling together at the moment. Nothing serious though." She stated. Mabel just smiled. "But you like him?" She asked. Summer was saved from answering when someone announced it was time for games. Mabel winked and said something about later, before dragging Summer over to participate in a round of games. Finding herself next to the Doctor, Summer shook her head at his grin. He was having way to much fun with this.