Juno sat impassively at one of the tables in the E-Spresso, listening to the others make small talk. A cup of the unfortunate coffee itself was in front of her, virtually untouched, cooling in front of her. She looked rather down, but in reality, she was something else entirely. Bored out of her mind. This wasn't, as Oliver and Michelle had briefly discussed, what they'd signed up for when they'd gone through the academy. She didn't know any of the other's reasons, but she knew her own, and that was quite enough to make her look like she was sucking up all the joy within a two foot radius. Plus, she agreed; nobody here knew how to make coffee. Or at least nobody who knew had [i]tried[/i] yet. These facts and her regular outlook on life left her with a rather sour look on her face. At least not everyone was obviously depressed - in fact, most of the Moderators present were almost.... peppy. At the very least, hardly anyone here seemed legitimately sad, Juno observed, with challenges being made even as the truly depressed member of their rag-tag group made his way down to the basement. As Kirina reoriented herself to dangerously close to the table Juno occupied, she stood, grabbed her coffee, and made her way to behind the counter. Mop fighting was practically at the bottom of her priorities, and conversely, getting out of the way of such nonsense was close to the top. The spiky-haired woman nodded to Michelle, as Oliver vanished below. "I hope you're not really planning on getting shot," she said, unceremoniously dumping the drink down the drain. It was a bad sign when the 'employees' of a cafe itself wouldn't even touch the brew. "That may turn out badly when we're finally sent out to do our real jobs."