[b]“Jiao Hai,”[/b] exclaimed Akida Kusanagi, leader of the Kusanagi clan. [b]“Find Jiao Hai!”[/b] Suddenly a great gasp was heard from the small crowd that remained behind as the clan disbursed to their position. The palm of his hand placed on the victim’s face, Jiao Hai withdrew his sword from the young and obviously inexperienced boy’s stomach. A faint aura filled the subtle gaps between the ronin’s hand and the boy’s face. Jiao Hai’s face showed no other expression than satisfaction. With a swift slash through the air over his head, the ronin whipped the blood from his sword before sheathing it. With a calm demeanor, the young man sauntered towards the clan leader. He pushed aside those who got in his way without discrimination. A seemingly gentle motion belied the exacerbated reaction of those pushed aside who stumbled to maintain their composure. Jiao Hai found a suitable position a couple of steps behind Akida. Little did the ronin care about taking the life of another, but tradition was tradition. [b]“The Kusanagi paid a lot of money for your services ronin, you best hold up your end of the bargain.”[/b] The elderly leader snarled with an expressionless face. [b]“A bit of gold does a wonder for the wallet Akida. But you promised me a suitable opponent,”[/b] Jiao Hai replied. [b]“Just make sure you hold up yours.”[/b] He scoffed. Although the leader would not take a moment to recognize the young ronin, Jiao Hai bowed at the neck with a turn of his head. As he moved forward the ronin interlocked his fingers behind his head. [b]“I suppose I’ll see you in the city?”[/b] He cooed with a chuckle leaving the attack force in his wake.