Kisame Kisame got up and looked around. He slowly walked out the mansion and looked out. He knew that certain villages and towns were being attacked recently, and he couldn't sit around and do nothing, but then again, he couldn't go about being seen. He sighed and transformed. He then grabbed his necklace and placed it on himself, after seeing the emerald glow, he nodded. After grabbing his goggles and placing them over his head, he made an exit. He jumped down the mountain, and summoned an energy platform to ride around on, as the ring on his tail swayed gently. He could survey the surrounding area from above this way. Reggie Reggie continued to make his way to the volcano, and soon enough reached it. He sighed and looked around, seeing everyone had gathered, then he looked to Shadow. It seemed he had some news for everyone. Great, what a drag. He wanted to rest, if it was a new order, then that would mean he would have to work some more. Stone Stone walked through and saw everyone had returned. He then looked beside him to see Reggie return. It seemed everyone had been called, for what reason, he had no idea. Most probably an update or new orders. He sighed and gathered around and waited for Shadow to start. Hidiyoshi Hidiyoshi, seeing everything done, he began to walk back. He made his way back to a large cabin which was hidden up on the mountain. There, he decided to rest for the night. He had no business to attend to and so he decided to just rest and gather his energy. Fiona Fiona looked to Ace and then nodded, she then jumped back and faded into the darkness when the commotion ended. She appeared in her bedroom again. She sighed and laid down on her bed, relaxing herself and gently yawned. She would get some rest now. Shadow Shadow watched as everyone gathered. He smiled underneath his armour and looked to the sky. He knew there had been a few gatherings of strong people recently, and he was worried they might start forming an alliance, that would be an annoyance for them if they started to rebel. He looked back to everyone with a serious face and slowly looked around, making sure everyone was here. "Welcome, everyone. I have some news for you all. During the past few weeks, there has been a lot of gatherings of strong enemies. This could lead to an alliance. Some of these people are very dangerous, be careful. The next thing is, that Jacob's son, Kisame has been sneaking out recently. I want to start forming a night watch to keep an eye on him, and to make sure if he is out, he doesn't get himself killed. Rex, I want you to start the night shift. Leave immediately, Kisame will mostly be in his animoprh form, which is a shark. He always carries his necklaces with him as well as a fishook on his tail. On the fishook is a golden ring. Search everywhere. If you find him, keep a close eye on him and make sure you protect him. Now, that is all." He nodded and then went to his private quarters. It was time for him to get some rest. Spike Spike watched and sighed as it all finished. He then grew wings from pure skin and flesh and flew away, quickly going back home. Once he arrived he landed outside his house and then proceeded with going to bed to get some rest. It was midnight now, and there was no point him staying up all night. Rogue Rogue watched as everyone began to leave, and then she turned to Katerina. She thought about her offer for a few minutes and slowly nodded her head. She jumped off her golem and landed beside her. She then closed her eyes, and all the trees and plants around her began to quickly die, until suddenly, every plant and tree was dead in the entire area. She walked up to her and placed her hand on her shoulder. "I would like that. Call me Rogue, and I would be glad to help you. As a gift, I will grant you the life force of the forest, so you can live longer." She then poured half of the life force she just gained into her, she smiled and saw everyone had left now. Stun Stun listened and smiled, he liked the sound of groups forming, it would be more fun to target them and be more challenging. He then heard about Kisame and sighed, he was disappointed he wasn't assigned to the job. He would be able to have a lot of fun. He looked around and then went to his room. There was nothing else to do now so he decided he would rest and go bed. Azriel Lilith Azriel was currently in her human form. She was playing on her ocarina, a song that attracted spirits and animals. Humans would be able to hear the song, but they wouldn't be attracted to it like animals and spirits would be. As she played, more animals and spirits came, until eventually, the entire area was covered in every animal in the forest, and tons of spirits. Katerina would also noticed that all the animals were heading towards the source of music. Luna Luna was in the forest currently, making sure the flowers were ok after all the intruders. She then looked up when she heard some music being played. It wasn't often people came to the forest, and she didn't care too much, but, what got her attention was animals of all kind were heading to the music. She knew that wasn't normal, so she slowly began to follow the animals, until she reached a young girl playing on a ocarina. Solus Solus listened to Shadow and nodded. That was pretty interesting. He wondered what kind of powerful enemies, and he also wondered if any were magical beings. He decided that he would join Rex on the night shift, in hopes to catch anything interesting. He hung around, watching him closely as he waited for him to leave so he could follow him.