Note-The end of this RP will see the death of most of the player characters. Not going into detail on how. Hello there everyone I’m Cpkeyes with an idea for a Sci-fi RP. This RP will focus on a war known as the Gaian-Ragon war with us playing as the elite special forces of the Ragon. The Imperial Commandos. The Imperial Commandos are the 2nd level of Juskar (Special) the 1st level being the Grenadiers and the 3rd level being the Kill-Teams (Who work for Imperial Intelligence). We will play as a team of Imperial Commandos during the war with the Gaians (Humans basically) from war start to the end of our story. Our enemies-The Gaians are your average human race, through primitive in technology the Gaians are ferocious fighters. In the starting date of the RP (August 2nd 2230) the Gaian’s are fighting a losing war against the Ragon. The starting setting-The first setting is the Battle of Mazi, the battle that proved to the Ragon that this war would not be an easy one. We are starting on the second week of the battle, with the Ragon offensive put on an halt by a heavily fortified and armed fort-Fort Mckenney. The first part of the RP will be taking place in this battle, specially taking out Fort Mckenney. Traditions of the Imperial Commando’s. Dragon Eyes-This is given to Commando’s who have performed beyond their call of duty. You will have to do a very brave act to get this. Aaian-The Aaian is a half-skirt type thing supposedly worn by the Ragon warriors of old. It’s kind of like the Kama from star wars. Four fire salute-A fire salute used during a funeral of a commando. Prayer-Like most Imperial Units, the Commandos use their free time to pray to the savior of the Ragon-Illgoth. Roles. Commander-Me. Second-in-command. Gunner-You carry the heavy weapons such as a 85mm Rocket Launcher. Pilot-You are in control of the gunship that transports the team. Medic. Riflemen. Roles of the Imperial Commandos. Raids on enemy camps. Capturing enemy leaders. Rescue operations for important personnel. Destruction of enemy defenses (In battle, otherwise Saboteurs would do this). Infiltration. Recon behind enemy lines. Supporting Imperial Ground Forces assaults. Boarding of enemy vessels. Training. Hand-to-hand combat (Melee and unarmed) Language (During the first few days of the war none of us will known enough Latia to convince the Gaian’s.) Marksmanship. Survival. Grabbling and rappelling. Wargames with other teams. If needed, we will discuss things about the Imperial Commandos and whatever else is relevant.