[hider=CS] Name: Billy August Age: 37 Gender: Male Height: 6"5 Weight: 250 Occupation: Lumperjack Hobbies: Hunting,fishing,camping Personality: is a very cautious and wary man for he saw to many injuries accure from not paying attention.He is a very happy man laughing and making jokes. He is a very generous man he would give the shirt off his back if someone needed it. Phobias spiders,snakes Appearance:[img=http://media-cache-cd0.pinimg.com/236x/f5/e6/08/f5e60856a4ed9856deb2b7e9817f584b.jpg] Clothing: Chest: blue tattered flannel Hat: red stocking cap Pants: blue jeans with ripped knees and suspenders. Feet: brown leather steel toe with steel shank boots. Back: Rucksac Items: Water bottle,beef jerky,crackers,cheese,batteries,torch lighter,super glue, pain meds, first aid kit,rope, five cans of food, multi tool. Weapons: Double sided Axe, weighted gloves. Stats: -Awareness: 5 -Close Quarters: 4 -Fitness: 3 -Marksmanship:0 -Speed: 2 -Strength:4 (I feel speed and fitness are one and the ssame) History: Billy was born in america to a long line of lumberjacks once out of school he went and started working for his father and grandfather as years went by he became part owner of the company he was good at what he did every one knew his name and he hauled the most lumber out of any crew so billy decided to go work in Europe with some other logging company for several months to see how Europeans did it and not even a month into it is when hell broke loose for billy.[/hider]