Solus and Kisame Solus followed quickly and landed next to Rex, he watched the events and smiled, he knew exactly what they both were. He pulled out his booked and flipped a few pages, then stopped. He looked back up and nodded, then flipped a few more pages, again, looking up and nodded. He just wanted to be sure. He then looked to Rex with a smile. "It's a good job I followed you. Those two there, they are two rare and powerful species. A nimbat, which created magic, and a Kitsune who has powerful illusions and magical abilities. Since Kisame is here, I'd suggest attacking them and capturing them. Let me go first." He smiled, and put the book away, he then dropped down and walked slowly behind the kitsune. He looked to everyone else and then walked in front of her. He knew the orb wouldn't be on display, so he slowly began to take off the scarf, and then threw it to the floor as he ignored the others. Kisame, who was watching noticed this. He knew something was up and he didn't like it. He formed an large ice spike and shot it out of his hand, the ice spike would shoot past the kitsame and cut her side, leaving a large gash, as well as stabbing her a little which hopefully make her aware of what was going on. As this happened, Solus jumped back quickly. He then looked up to Kisame. He was so close! He quickly transformed and got ready to attack. Rogue and Luna Rogue and Luna watched as Mordred went invisible, they then noticed that the Kitsune was beginning to grow tails. Rogue didn't really know what was going on, neither did Luna to be honest, but as Solus began to take off her scarf, they were about to stop him when they saw a icicle being shot out from the tree. They both smiled and got ready to fight and help defend off the person in case he decided to attack. Azriel Lilith Azriel looked around as everyone began to turn invisible, and then she was suddenly alone in the forest, surrounded by animals and spirits as she played her ocarina, although, she knew this was an illusion because of her magic, but it helped anyway. She took a deep breath and before she could say anything, the illusion broke when Kitsune was cut. She looked around now seeing even more people, and they all seemed ready to attack. She closed her eyes more, she was starting to get scared, and as she did, her skin and wings was getting darker, her eyes now fully blank and yellow. Soon enough, she had transformed into her dark form, which immediately began to kill the forest with her aura. "Who are you people! Get away from here!" She shouted loudly, and then a huge dragon appeared made out of pure black energy. She screamed, and the dragon duplicated into eight. Each dragon roared loudly, and attacked each and every person in the area, even sensing the hidden ones and going after them. They all shot black fire at their enemy, as Azriel a large black energy ball. She screamed and threw it in the middle, causing a huge explosion which would send everyone back a little, as well as kill most of the animals and make a huge crater in the area. She flew up high, making duplications of herself as well, making eight of her and eight dragons. Each one attacking everyone. [IMG][/IMG]