[centre] [img=http://www.fantasicawiki.com/w/images/thumb/4/40/Diana_8_card.jpg/350px-Diana_8_card.jpg] Disregard the text on the image please. ~Name:~ Eleanor Fairwald ~Age:~ 18 ~Personality:~ Eleanor has a typically jaded and unmoving appearance and speaks little. She prefers listening to the happenings around her rather than indulging in conversation herself. Eleanor thoroughly enjoys broadening her expanse of knowledge, making her an adept strategist game-wise and military-wise, however, few know of this trait. She tends to reply in one-sentence or simple answers whenever she can, otherwise her responses are elaborate and detailed. Eleanor keeps a tall posture at all times and is not easily scared. Her movements are often minute and hardly vary from action to action. She is known for being extremely loyal towards friends and extremely hostile towards foes. Some have taken to calling her soulless or subhuman as she will act as her superiors say without a second thought. If assigned someone to protect, Eleanor will guard them with her life. ~Class:~ Seal ~Race:~ Human ~Guild:~ Underground ~Affiliation:~ Neutral ~Home Town:~ Watertown ~Backstory:~ Eleanor was born in Watertown as a commoner, growing up with her mother and father and three older siblings. She would walk down to the pier daily with her father and brothers to work for the local seafood business which involved sailing out on an old wooden boat and catching the sweetfish that swam in the sea. It was a ritual for her family, they would work for ten hours then return home for dinner before repeating the process the following day. Eleanor lived this rinse-and-repeat life until her thirteenth name day. On that day, Eleanor was sent off to become a priest for reasons unknown to her by her mother. She was ushered to the great church that lies on the coast on the border of Watertown where she discovered a natural affinity to harness the energy of the sun and moon. Eleanor spent months on end in the church's observatory, performing extensive research and calculations on her abilities. When she turned sixteen, Eleanor decided that there greater things she could be doing in the world, so she silently left the comfort and protection of the church and set out in search of the Underground, a guild she had only heard of through story and song. ~Weapon(s):~ A shield, a sword and magic. ~Outfit:~ Up there. ~Theme Song:~ [youtube]dxz0Id2RFyg[/youtube] ~Other:~ N/A[/centre]