[quote=Oni_] Can I quickly bring up previous comments about Jangel? I feel it may cause issues again once the RP starts. I see he changed his character to A-rank which makes his abilities more justified since they're more suited to that rank of character.However he can still allegedly shoot lightning just as fast as real lightning which again would be impossible to dodge. Even if you were Neo you wouldn't be able to. If he changed that and didn't auto-hit like he used to I would have no qualms with his character. [/quote] Fair point. I agree with changing the speed of the lightening, (Auto-hitting) So J Angel, if you do that, then I don't foresee any issues arising with everyone. We want everyone to get along, after all! [quote=Expolar] That just reminded me of that one job request from job the anime that switched people's minds into each others bodies, I always did like those body switch scenarios lol. It would be funny time though if there was a request somewhat similar to that. [/quote] Lol, I think that would be awesome