Hey, I'm R4inator! I have several names that you can call me as, but I prefer "Storm" or "R4" the most. I'm not exactly the best RPer on the planet, but I definitely have experience. I used to play pretend a lot in my earlier childhood, so that's how I started doing this roleplaying stuff (because roleplaying is basically playing pretend except this is for older people and is more advanced if you think about it) and then I moved on to online roleplay on Club Penguin. Then, I migrated to Roblox and became a tiny bit better at roleplaying. A while after that, I got a lot better at roleplaying when I started roleplaying on a few smaller forums. I've migrated here to roleplay along with one of the roleplays that I was in on one of the smaller forums I mentioned earlier. TL;DR - I'm R4inator, and I have a somewhat long roleplaying history.