It had been a rather boring day for the petite brunette. She was out on her morning run before the sun peeked over the high mountains to drench the sea of sand and dirt in its warmth. She hated the heat and the sun (though that was because of previously stated hatred), as was prevalent by the pale complexion she held. The girl finally arrived back to her cabin after her run as the sun just began to stretch over the mountain tops; she made it back in time to hide from its burning rays of discomfort. Pushing through her front door she stepped through and pushed it shut, locking the heavy door behind her. She used her hand to brush the faint sweat from her face, letting the cool air conditioned breeze cool her down. She kicked off her shoes on her way to the small kitchen. Opening the mini fridge she grabbed a bottle of water and twisted the cap before placing it to her lips and finished the bottle in mere moments. Setting the mostly empty bottle on the counter as the droplets fell and pooled at the bottom of the still cool plastic bottle. Shoving her hand into her snug fitted running shorts and produced her cell phone. Clicking the button at the side lit up the LED screen as she checked for any new messages. Unlocking the screen she couldn't help the faint smile that touched her lips from the background picture. A picture of Helena and herself from their first date, herself kissing Hel on the cheek with Hel holding a surprised expression. A testament that a picture spoke a thousand words. Remember as she basically had to beg Hel for the stubborn girl to smile for the picture. After the second picture she got fed up, suddenly kissing her cheek before snapping the picture got her desired result. Only more then she expect. She captured the cutest picture of Hel smiling with a surprised look. One of Annelise's favorite memories of the two. After staring at the picture for a while she finally looked up at the status bar of her phone, no new messages. Closing the phone she set it on the counter as she started towards the wash room. While walking she pinched the brim of her shirt between her fingers before pulling the snug top from her body; shivering as the cool air hit her damp skin. By the time she reached the bathroom she was free of her clothes as they lay scattered across the cabin. Leaving the bathroom door open she stepped into the shower, closing the glass door. Twisted the knobs in a few directions until the stream of water reached a relaxing, warm temperature. Pulling the buttom at the end of the spout it transfer the stream to the over head shower head. Suddenly then the warm water began to shower down from the center of the ceiling directly above her. Water rolled down her figure as it washed away the layer of sweat she accumulated from the run. Several minutes passed and the girl had not made a move, simply letting the water cascade down her body and wash away her stress and worry. Ever since her peers had left for the mission she was nervous for their safety. Knowing all to well the dangers of Mutants out in the world. Several knots had riddled her stomach since waving them good bye. She sighed, spitting out the bit of water that dripped past her lips. She began then to brush her fingers through her long hair until it lay flat down her spine. Reaching to the side she felt around for the distinct shape of her shampoo + conditioner bottle. Flicking the lid up she smiled as the scent of strawberries filled the shower. Pouring a generous glob into her hand she set the bottle back and attacked her hair with it before the water washed it away. She quickly pushed and dragged her soapy fingers through her long hair until she was confident every strand of hair was lathered. She thoroughly brushed the soap out of her hair before moving onto her body. It wasn't long before the luffa had rubbed soap over her body, leaving a falm of lathered body wash in its wake. Stepping back under the water she brushed her bare hand down herself to get the soap and stench from her skin. Shutting off the water she opened the glass door, straining as she reached out to grab the folded towel off the sink. Giving herself a quick pat down she wrapped her hair in the towel before stepping out of the shower. She was about to continue her post shower rituals but the sudden alarm from her cell phone in the kitchen forced her attention. Her heart sank into her stomach as the unique sound repeated, filling the cabin with the sound. She rushed out of the bathroom and to her phone, holding it up to her face to make sure it wasn't a mistake; though the alarm sound was very particularly chosen for the very reason of it not being mistaken. Immediately Annelise dropped the barrier that protected her from telepaths, knowing it was the fastest way of getting ahold of Hel. Like clockwork right as the barrier went down she received instructions from Helena. The still naked Annelise rushed back and forth frantically around her cabin, shoving herself into whatever clothes she could find on short notice. As she was properly dressed she rushed out the door with her shoes in hand, hopping on one foot as she pulled on a shoe. Switching feet until both were tied. As she regained both feet on the ground she burst into a sprint; her naturally gifted physique let her petite frame nearly soar across the field towards the main house were she knew X would be waiting. Annelise nearly plowed through the front door and made way for the garage where she found X sitting in the drivers seat of the roaring Jeep. Without a word she jumped gracefully into the passenger seat. Before her rump fully fell into seat she was slammed back into the back of the seat; the jeep roaring in defiance to X's lead foot pushing the pedal nearly into the floor. The two didn't share in words as they merely focused on the task at hand. Annelise taking her whipping hair and pulling it into a ponytail, tying it off with a band she had around her wrist. Looking down at herself she finally realized what she was wearing. She wore a dark blue low cut belly shirt that came down just above her belly button with a pair of tight jeans that hugged her lower proportions nicely. Along with that her converse sneakers. In her rush she hadn't exactly picked the most combat ready attire. By the grin she noticed on X's lips the outfit wasn't missed by the woman. She blushed from embarrassment, it was a horrible time for her to be so poorly dressed for the situation; especially sitting beside her superior. She looked up at the road and noticed the commotion shortly off in the distance. Luckily the group wasn't to far out from the ranch. "Buckle up." X announced loudly to try and surpass the deafening sound of rushing breeze the high speeds generated. [i]'shit...'[/i] Annelised cursed under her breath as she knew exactly what was going to happen. Quickly she grabbed the seat belt and secured herself into her seat. Pressing her feet hard into the floor of the jeep and holding onto the 'oh shit' handle she braced for impact. As the jeep slammed into the vehicle Annelise felt herself slam into the belt and whip back into her seat; even the cushion seat offered no comforted from the impact. Annelise groaned painfully in her dazed state. Shaking her head a bit to force away the blur. Blinking a few times she noticed X was being hefted out of the jeep by Helena. Annelise took a deep breath to stabilize her thoughts as she removed herself from the seat belt just in time for Helena to return. She smiled up at the beauty. "Of course." She chimed, going along with the bit. "But I need a souvenir." With that Annelise hung out of the side of the jeep, reaching out to the ground and scooping up a few sizeable stone. Pulling herself back into the jeep she stood and slipped into Helena's arms. Wrapping her left around around the small of Helena's back she clung tight to her frame as she prepared for take off. The stones resting in her right palm began to glow a violet color. "Take me over the baddies." She requested, the stone in her hand beginning to glow much brighter and look rather.. unstable. Feeling herself be lifted from the jeep and soaring through the open air was strange sensation, but having Helena's arms around her made the situation all the more enjoyable. As the two came up above the group firing at the turned over car she tossed the stones in their direction, making sure to scatter the stones enough to give the largest area of damage. As they glowing stones hit the ground several explosions happened, tearing up the Earth and twisting metal from the blast; not to mention what it did to the poor bastards close to the impact. Though it was a good offensive move the primary use was picking up a lot of dust and obscuring more of the assailants vision.