[center]Toby Kipling --------- [/center] As he was with most things, Toby Kipling was being serious. Standing there in the majestic auditorium of the school he’s been blessed to call his home for the last few years Toby stood in line with all the other students who had arrived for the year. Presently he was listing to Headmaster Grayson finish his opening speech. It was the same old speech just like last year and the year before that, but Toby still listened to the person who made the most magical times in his life possible. When the speech was over people started to do their own thing and Toby was no exception to mob rule. Like everyone here he had his own things to take care of, but unlike others he was already busy. He would be living in a new room once again and like always he had to prepare. It is not to say that he was not prepared, but Toby liked to do things in very specific way when it came to his rooms. His room back in Baltimore was the same. It was a small one-bedroom place with a fixed closet, a single mirror, low hanging lights, and a large barred window that faced a closed off street. As a student of the magical kind, he had a lot of stuff that would never fit in his room, but thankfully there was magic in Toby’s life. Using various extension and size alteration magic Toby managed to fit his many magical belongs tucked away in a single chest, a gift that belonged to his uncle. The sheer amount of stuff he had made unpacking and preparing for the year hell, but bearable as always. Walking to his dorm room he saw a few of friends and exchanged pleasantries, but never stopped for a proper chat. When he arrived at his place luggage were piled up outside of his door. It did not look much given that he only had two trunks and a treasure chest, but on the inside was his entire room. Carrying it all would have taken him hours to just move it a few inches, but luckily enough he knew a spell or two fix that issue. The door to the other bedroom was locked so Toby picked the one that was left open. He supposed that the person must have already finished and left or is inside asleep or worst, dying. Toby knocked to check in on his roommate to see if he needed help, but alas there was no response. Assuming the best Toby got inside in his own room, locked the door behind him and started to work. It would be a long day just to finish all of it and his body would ache later that night, but it was a free day today so there was no harm done.