Name: dirk howadson Age 21 Personality: very aggressive and energetic always trying to make new freinds. despite being somewhat of a holy man he s vulgar and a heavy drinker, beleives in many of hs oaths and traditions to guide him but tends to find his own ways. very rowdy yet supprisingly humble and sweet, in a celtic sense. not the bightest but willing to admit. Class: seal Race: dwarf Guild:undergrounded Affiliation: chaotic good Home Town: meadowtown Appearance:[url=;_ylt=AwrB8pokOsBTekkAuaCJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzNDN1aDBxBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMyYzQ3NjBkYTI4ZWVlYzg1ZmYwNzY4MjYwZTRlM2FjMQRncG9zAzMwBGl0A2Jpbmc-?] dirk [/url] Backstory: born to a proud yet truthfully dumb group of wandering pegan like barbarians, dirk quickly became a great fighter as he was needed to be. His clan was extremely powerful and would take what they wanted from people in raids, some in which dirk was in at an early age. In a lage stuggle to finally start a civilization of there own and be able to sit down in a town, the clan was defeated by there foe thanks to traps. Many of who were left of this clan disbanded only leaving a few. Dirk, who's parents were mudered in the battle was set out to live on his own, as tradition demanded. It was a hard life for him until a holy man came and rescued him, slowly turn to be his adoptive father. He learned about the holy church and his old clan from the man and began to see the beauty in both cultures, mixing them together to make his own. when the preist finally came to, dirk vowed to share the ways he was taught in but wanted to do so using the skills given to him by his clan, becoming a seal to fight for what he believed was right and also helping others as much as possible. Weapon(s): a large battle hammer, a holy book used for healing and holy spells (he barely knows how to use them) and a small dirk Outfit (Optional): heavy white plate armor banded with red crosses over it. Theme Song (Optional): Other: johnny i hardly knew you by the drop kick Murphys