[centre][img]http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h351/EsmeTyler/c75a96a6919f1c1395037ddb8ecea753_zps17046eea.jpg[/img][/centre] [centre]Appearance:[/centre] A tall woman, just about clocking in at 5'8, with a shock of dark-red curly hair falling midway down her back. Quinn is naturally lanky but when she first arrived at the Billings camp, she was worringly thin, and sickly pale, but after spending these past few months in the camp she's gained some colour in her cheeks, some new freckles on her shoulders, as well as some thin stretches of muscle from work and regular meals. Her features are sharp and tight, with thin lips and a slim but slightly upturned nose, her eyes are a dark hazel and a range of freckles are dotted across her face. She seems to have permanant heavy bags under her eyes, giving her face a fairly grim expression. For clothing, she prefers fairly simply stuff, and has made a point to remain in most of the clothing she arrived at camp with, most primarily a pair of black leggings and a fairly oversized camo jacket. With these she'll wear long jumpers, shirts and vests to accomodate the weather, and on her feet she wears a pair of muddied hiking boots. [centre]Name: Quinn Caplin[/centre] [centre]Age: 20[/centre] [centre]Noteworthy skills: Sharpshooting, coming from a hunting family.[/centre] [centre]Weapons: .30-06 Hunting rifle, which is her weapon of choice, working best at long range whilst her short-range is maybe just slightly above average. However she also has a fire axe strapped to her back in case of close-range intervention.[/centre] [centre]Personality:[/centre] Quiet and fairly eager to keep to herself, Quinn rarely makes any attempts to intergrate herself further into the camp, shying away from movie nights and whatever other 'campfire fun' activities the community arranges. Whether this conduct is out of an honest preference for solitude or an act of self-isolation out of shame for her life before arriving at Billings is something not even Quinn gives much thought to. As far as Quinn is concerned, as long as she doesn't start any trouble, keeps to her space and works for her keep then she can carry on surviving since, from what she's seen out there, beyond the fences of Billings airport, staying inside the fences has been the best chance she's had so far. [centre]History:[/centre] Born in the Northern-most reaches of Nebraska, Quinn grew up in a family of strong personalities where Quinn, with her scrawny frame and coy nature, felt constantly dwarfed and overshadowed by the louder, larger characters of her parents and five siblings. As she grew older, Quinn slowly come to detest her family and her entire surroundings, as ill-suited to it as she felt herself to be, and, upon recieving a scholarship to UNC in North Carolina at the age of 18, immediately packed up her life and moved state, cutting off most communication with her family. Pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering, Quinn soon found herself buckling under the pressure and, following the trend of a handful of her classmates, sought a range of prescription drugs to help cope. Quinn soon became addicted to Oxycontin, enjoying the sedative and euphoric effects the drugs produced, and when the prescriptions soon became too expensive to purchase, Quinn took to cutting corners in neccessities such as food and rent, eventually taking to petty theft to help finance her addiction. It was on one of these quick-cash-making excursions that Quinn bore witness to the beginnings of The Fall, when the department store she was in suddenly was host to a human morphed into a rampaging monster, a slack-jawed dull-eyed beast that flung itself at a cashier, ripping the tendrils of their throat out in one drooling swipe. Fleeing from the department store and falling into the panicking crowd, Quinn caught mere glimpses of the chaos unfolding around her, intent as she was on finding somewhere safe, eventually holling herself up in a diner. At first, the establishment housed people in the dozens but as several long hours passed, people soon filtered out to evacuate the city, or locate loved ones, lured by the sudden lull in activity outside. Soon there were only a dozen let in the building, including Quinn herself, and everyone soon had to face the responsibility of bolting the doors shut and pretending that they couldn't hear the cries of the ones who had left outside the doors, desperately pleading to be let back in. it was here Quinn spent the first couple of weeks following The Fall where, without her usual resources, she soon found herself experiencing violent withdrawal symptoms, lashing out at her fellow survivors, and inspiring panic in them. Fearful for their safety, her fellow survivors took to locking Quinn in a supply closet for hours at a time, hoping she might at least begin to calm down and stop being a danger to herself and to others. The action only caused Quinn to tip further into a panic, and set into stone a fear of enclosed spaces and a general mistrust of people. During an attempt by the group to scavenge for food outside, a hoard of zombies broke into the building and Quinn, breaking free of the closet, took advantage of the commotion to grab some basic supplies and run. Somehow, through desperation or dumb luck, Quinn made it out of Charlotte and, out of a loss of ideas, continued on the roads heading West. Only when she found herself slowly ambling onto the highways did she realise that, unconciously, she was attempting to go home, back to Nebraska, back to the family that all of a sudden, after not giving them so much as a thought over the past months, Quinn suddenly wanted nothing more than to see, and confirm they were alive. With this goal in mind, she continued on, passing the museum of wreckage along the road of post-fall America. The journey to Nebraska never suceeded, fueled by desperation and a slowly creeping realisation that the world was ending around her, Quinn pushed forward across asphalt and fields, hunkering down in abandoned cars during the night, and scavenging what she could when she passed through settlements. Forced to go sober, Quinn constantly found herself on edge as an offset of the withdrawal, her road being littered with the undead not helping the situation at all. A close brush with what seemed to be a group of bandits had Quinn push herself to the limit, spraining her ankle just past the border into Tennessee. She pushed on, eventually straining her ankle until the swelling made it unbareable to rest weight on. Finding herself in farming territory, and desperate for medical supplies, Quinn broke into what she assumed to be an abandoned farm lot, and was quickly discovered by the family residing there and held capture in one of the barns. Her injury making her helpless, Quinn posed no real threat to the family and slowly gained their trust, recieving medical assistance. As her ankle began to slowly heal as did Quinn slowly intergrate into life on the farm, which was well protected and well supplied. Spending three months at the farm, Quinn overcame the worst of her withdrawal and seemed set to settle into the strangely peaceful life the family had achieved during the hell raging outside their electric fence. However, complications arose, many of which Quinn is hard-pressed to talk about in the present day, and arguments with the matriarch of the family exhiled Quinn from the farm and back onto the road. Now, with less enthusiasm than she had started her journey with, Quinn continued onwards to Nebraska, her urge to see her family growing less and less with every step she took, her heart growing heavier with every mile walked away from the farm as she travelled along the Route 64 highway. It was probably now that Quinn subconciously turned her goals away from seeking her family and sought to join a settlement, wanting to experience the safety and protection of a community, tired as she was from walking towards a family she wasn't even certain was alive anymore. As Autumn passed and Winter began to settle, Quinn turned off the 64 in Oklahoma and went North on the 56, allowing herself a little idleness due to the cold and the protection the winter seemed to offer from the zombies. Three days into her trek across Kansas, Quinn came across a bandits camp and, supplies dramatically depleted, stole into the camp. Successful in spiriting away a hunting rifle, Quinn was no queen of stealth and, despite her best attempts to cover her tracks, she soon found herself being chased across the remainder of distance to the Flint Hills when the group that had been hunting her ran into another group of bandits further along the 46, allowing Quinn to use the distraction to escape. After some long hours of aimless wandering, Quinn eventually found herself outside the Billings Airport, and, frightened at the prospect that the bandits might still be on her trail, dropped her recently aquired rifle to the ground next to her, indicating she would not attack, and pleaded to be let into the camp. Having not been the first refugee to bargain their way in that Winter, Quinn was escorted into the Airport and taken to a makeshift holding cell where she rested for a few days. Afterwards, when no bandits came following her scent to raid the camp, Quinn asked to speak to the leader of the community, and eventually was taken to speak with Kenzy. Explaining her situation, how she was willing to work for her keep, and even admitting about her struggle with addiction to express her honesty, Quinn was allowed into the community and has spent the months since earning what trust she could, eventually getting back her hunting rifle and given patrol duty.