She sat on the table, swinging her feet idly in boredom. Her maid had gone out again, most likely to patrol the area and make sure no idiot come in here. Hayami looked around the place, mildly amused that she would have screamed bloody murder about being forced to live here if she was still the girl she was when she first came to Sovereign. The basement of her father's building, though cracked here and there, still stood strong, with most of the supplies in there intact and unspoiled. It wasn't where they, she and her maid, first took shelter however. After that light entered her body, causing the most agonizing pain she had ever felt in her life, the ship crash landed somewhere three blocks away. Her maid, Hilda was unscathed in the crash, but she herself had suffered a dislocated arm, and a broken leg. Hayami didn't want to remember how pitiful she must have sounded like, bawling out loudly. She vaguely remembered then that Hilda had taken off most of the things off the dead guards in the downed shuttle, and made shelter in its husk. Though she lamented the absence of many things from her previous life of luxury, she had come to accept that those days were over, and thus she must survive even if she would look like an alley rat. For a while the husk of the shuttle served admirably as their shelter, until some men found out about it. And of course, seeing a lone girl inside, those men surrendered to their baser instinct and tried to... to rape her. Having no means of running away, for her leg was still in the makeshift splint, she was subject to their humiliation and jeers, until one of them gets impatient, and rips her shirt away. It was then that she heard the voice clearly, feel the fury suppressed in the voice, and its power coursing through her body. "We kill! Not suffer anymore!" In that moment of despair, electricity filled the whole area around the shuttle, frying those men to a crisp as she maintained the electricity flowing out, sparking bolts here and there like a Tesla coil. Of course, when Hilda finally returned, the first thing she did was suggest moving to another place. And thus they moved here after some days of searching, where they stayed to this very day, underneath the remains of her father's building, the rubble around it making a sort of a passageway into the single door leading to the basement, with the basement still intact and furnished with whatever they, or more accurately Hilda, found and brought back. And it was also quite a special day for Hayami for it was the day Hilda decided her leg had healed enough to allow her to walk. Now if only she'd allow her to walk outside and help with the foraging.... "You stay. Gain strength." And of course, who can forget that maned gorilla in the room. She had thought she was going crazy when she first saw it, and she still does. Hilda doesn't seem to notice it, so it must exist only in her head right? But even so, why a gorilla? "Why ignore me?" It shoved its face close to her all of a sudden, eliciting a slight jump from her. For a thing that big, it sure was stealthy. Or was it stealthy because it only exists in her head? "I'm not. Its just that if I talk to you people are going to think I'm crazy." As uncomfortable as it was to have a large gorilla peeking over your shoulder whenever you do something, she was quite grateful for the strange power it granted her, though she had no idea what she was going to use it for except for self defense. There was a time when she would have sought out all those bitches in her school, but now they seemed trivial, unworthy of her time. "Shall we practice some more then?" "Yes. Practice good. Make strong like Raijin." It seems all she can do with it was make a long bolt of electricity by shaping her fingers into a gun like a kid playing at policemen. Controlling this sort of power was wicked crazy, but worth it to make her maid, Hilda trust her more.