Vygorns. It had to be Vygorns. After discussing at length exactly how they were going to take them out, the aliens ended up knocking on their front door. Fate, it seemed, did not wish to be delayed. She knew it was her duty to step out and join the fight, but something kept her there, hunkered down behind rusted car parts. Something that scared her almost as much as the Vygorns. Something that intensified the chill in her heart. Apathy. The apparent lack of caring that Vygorns were there, attacking her newly-made friends. She could easily see their panicked expressions as they fought. But inside herself she felt clinically detached. It only took some pondering to realize why she felt so empty. It boiled down to the simple question: [i]why am I even here?[/i] Her home was in Atlanta. That was her life, the streets and their apartment, her and Jesse. She could only see his face in her mind, the face that couldn't even look at her as he held the door open. Contorted with pain and confusion, his eyes cold and disappointed. She searched his gaze for any fleeting glimpse of their former love, but even in her mind she couldn't conjure respite.  She looked down at the stub of a cigar in her hands, eying it angrily. She had commissioned the thing to take away her heartbreak and icy feelings, and the frustration she felt when the cigar didn't work made her feel [i]dangerous[/i]. Like, vehemently mad. [i]If only you were punch-able, cigar.[/i] She thought as she sucked back on the stub one last time before squishing it under her sneaker with a satisfied smothering sound.  Cora had the fleeting thought to abandon the Elementals and just return to Atlanta to beg Jesse to take her back, but she knew such an act would haunt her for years to come. Her calling in life was clear, especially with her awakened gifts. She knew where she was suppose to be, but that didn't mean she had to like it. It also didn't mean she had to work with anyone she didn't want to, and she considered the fact that going to Riverdale alone would be more preferred; no one to get in her way then.  She hovered on the balls of her feet, ready to spring from her hiding spot at any moment. Her eyes took in the scene, how the Vygorns behaved, how some Elementals reacted better than others. Seeing the evident fact that the battle here would soon be over, Cora held her breath, stole a couple steps back, and snuck off into the night. Her pace was almost at a full run by the time she reached the bottom of the mountain, and she made her way as quickly as she could through the wasteland to Riverdale. If she was going to do this by herself, she needed to be fast.  [i]I'll be home soon, I promise...[/i]