People taking things too literally i think. Let me reword everything so it's hopefully clearer: [b]Awareness:[/b] Your ability to see and hear, thus being able to accurately judge your surroundings. 0: Deaf and blind. 1: You are having real trouble with your eye sight, everything is a massive blur or you are on the verge of going deaf 2: You should be wearing your glasses but you are atleast able to make out shapes of people and objects or people need to talk louder for you to hear 3: You can see and hear normally 4: You can see fine details from a distance and can hear and recognise sounds most people would miss 5: Perfectly aware of your surroundings. From one glance around you, you can pick out almost every detail such as escape routes, enemies etc. Also, more likely to come across "presents" [b]Close Quarters:[/b] This is more to do with your martial ability than the power you can hit. 0: Anytime a fight breaks out you just stand there, frozen with fear. 1: You have never had a fight and throw punches that can easily be judged. If something grabs you, you don't know how to escape. 2: You have had one or two fights. You can throw punches better but can still be telegraphed by an average person. Have severe problem trying to get out of holds. 3: You've had a few fights in your life. You have an average ability to throw punches and are able to often shake of the grip of people holding onto you. 4: You almost had a fight every week in school. Your technique is like that of an amateur boxer, being able to dodge incoming blows while responding with precision hits. Very hard for someone to grab hold of you. 5: You fight for a living. You can dodge almost any incoming blows and are almost as slippery as oil when someone tries to get hold of you. [b]Fitness:[/b] Also known as stamina, this covers your energy levels throughout everything. 0: You are unable to move for more than a few seconds without passing out. 1: You can run for one minute or fight constantly for one minute before tiring. 2: You can run for five minutes or fight constantly for five minutes before tiring. 3: You can run for up to fifteen minutes or fight constantly for fifteen minutes before tiring. 4: You can run for up to an hour or fight constantly for an hour before tiring. 5: Olympian level athlete. Able to run and fight for hours on end with very little effort. [b]Marksmanship:[/b] Your ability to fire a gun/shoot a bow. Shambler kill rate is based on range. [ 5m / 15m / 25m ]. The percentage represents your ability to kill shamblers up to that distance per bullet. It's not something you have to follow to the letter, but just to give you an idea of what sort of skill level you have. 0: You can't string an arrow or turn off the safety. 1: You are not accustomed to firearms and struggle in even their most basic of operations. You regularly forget to turn the safety off and reloading takes an age. Your hands shake pretty badly when trying to aim. [ 10% / 1% / 0% ] 2: You have some sort of practise with firearms but still struggle from time to time when it comes to reloading. Your hands don't shake so much but you still struggle to aim properly. [50% / 10% / 0%] 3: You have done a basic training course in firearms. You know how to handle a gun and can reload in a reasonable amount of time. [ 75% / 50% / 25% ] 4: You have done an advanced training course in firearms. You can reload very quickly. [ 100% / 75% / 50% ] 5: You work in a job that requires you to use a firearm on a regular basis. Can reload almost instantly. [ 100% / 100% / 75% ] [b]Speed:[/b] This covers your characters jogging and running speed. 0: You have no legs. 1: You have a sprained ankle and can barely break into a brisk walk. 2: You always came last in races growing up. 3: You run at an average speed, not excelling or lacking in it. 4: You regularly won races growing up and are able to out pace alot of people. 5: Olympian level speed with almost nobody as fast as you when you start running [b]Strength:[/b] This covers your strength in terms of what you can actually manage. 0: Gravity crushes you. 1: You struggle to push your own weight up off the floor and even in a dire situation would not be able to pull yourself up to a ledge, let alone anyone else. 2: You have never really been strong, struggling to do do press ups. You can just about pull yourself up to a ledge but would be unable to lift anyone other than a small child. 3: Average persons strength. Can do several press ups, pull yourself up onto a ledge and just about lift an average sized person. 4: Naturally powerful person. You can do press ups to double figures, pull yourself onto a ledge with one arm and able to pick up two average sized people, one per arm. 5. Worlds Strongs Man contestant. You can bench press twice your own bodyweight, even lift the two rear wheels of a car from the floor. --- Based on the above, a shamblers stats would be as follows just so you have an idea what you are up against: Awareness: 2 - Attracted to any movement and noises. Able to differentiate between other undead and human by smell. Close Combat: 2 - Constantly trying to grab hold of people ready to sink its teeth in. Fitness: 5 - The urge to eat overrides all else. They can go all day and night without rest. Speed: 2 - Not at all fast, but if you cannot get out of their line of sight, they will keep coming. Strength: 3 - The strength of an average person. Just so you have an idea, things like blocking doors with your body would come under strength. So someone strength 4 would be able to hold the door firmly shut against a few shamblers for a while where as somebody with 1 would simply get pushed aside like they weren't there. Pushing things in the way of the door, strength 1 would be able to manage a chair on wheels, 2 would struggle to push a table, 3 would be able to push over a bookcase, 4 would be able to push a full filing cabinet and 5 would be able to move just about anything reasonable. I never wanted to have to go into so much detail but I guess i've had to. All I can say is just don't overthink things when you're writing your RP's. Aslong as you don't go overboard I probably won't even call you on things. --- Psych she's fine. Do apologise for not answering sooner, been living off my phone since you posted it. She seems good and will be interesting to see how she manages to deal with zombies chasing her. By the way, good job on copying my companion ;) Prime, Kaitlyn is accepted. I think she's going out on a few scouting missions ;) Archie i'm sorry but I didn't realise I had so many people already, i'm going to have to say no, sorry.