Sighing, Harper lowered her hand almost fast enough to slap her thigh. No signal, her dad hoping she was safe for the night...Hopefully detention wasn't canceled - for her sake - and those hooligans might still be here because she definitely didn't want to find out she was alone in the high school. If Daddy was hoping she was safe, that meant the storm really was as bad as they had said it would be; at the very least, she didn't have a way to get home. Either he would tell Victor to stay wherever he was, or worse - she realized as her heart picked up the pace and a coldness settled into her gut and along her spine - he might be stuck in his car somewhere; hopefully it was the former and not the latter. And hopefully Walker was still in the school, if detention just let out. The phone slipped into her back pocket and she pulled on her backpack to go off exploring. She hadn't even noticed anyone else in the auditorium - after all she only had the stage lights on for doing her work so a good portion of the seating was pretty dark. It was when the music abruptly started that she even looked up. It took a moment to located the source of the song, but when she did it was to spot a guy...wait, not just [i]a[/i] guy - that was the new kid that just started school this year, and he kind of looked like a deer trapped in blinding headlights. Despite the half a second held breath, her brain still went to one place: the thought of 'poor thing'. She was just about to open her mouth and say something along the lines of 'hi' or 'do you know if they had detention today?' when the guy abruptly left. The backpack slung onto a shoulder, Harper jogged up the aisle. Worse case scenario, it was just the two of them. Regardless - she definitely didn't want to be trapped in school all alone, especially if someone else was around. Not that she was afraid of the dark - no, because she was too old for that obviously - or bad storms - because [i]Storm of the Century[/i] hadn't caused her nightmares for a while about being stranded somewhere - but just, the school was so big and what if the power went out and what if they lost she didn't really like having to be alone if it wasn't her choice. "Hey, wait a moment," she shouted as she got to the door and pushed it open. Her gaze searched the halls - to the left, to the right, straight ahead - in hopes the new boy hadn't gotten too far. Because absolutely worse case scenario - she could talk him into at least hanging out around her even if they didn't talk. She just really didn't want to be trapped anywhere alone; she may not have known how bad it was outside just yet, but if her dad wanted her to be inside somewhere safe - it meant she had no way home tonight.