[b]Kirra Argent[/b] Kirra Argent waved her mom goodby then entered the school with caution, she followed what the voice said and then began to follow the arrows auditorium. She wasn't one of the first people there, there were a few other students already in the auditorium which was huge. She took a seat and waited for it to start. It was then that she heard [b]“Paging Hisakawa Masaru, Alois Francis Jeon, Maiko Nozomi, Kirra Argent, and Ichishori Arasake, please head to the principal’s office after the morning assembly to find out which class you’re assigned to. Thank you.”[/b] At first she wondered why she had been called to the principal’s office to find out what classes they had when it should have been on the board. The more she thought about it the more it ade sense to her. she was enrolled a little later than usual so that could be why, she thought. Kirra Argent watched the presentation and listened carefully to what the people on stage but she was getting bored and was quite glad when it was over. She quickly found her way to the principals office where she waited for the principal to tell her which class's she is in and what dorm.