After a series of events which included an attacking of the 4x4 car that everyone had been in to the flipping of said vehicle and then to the overall stress that followed it, Jack saw this day as for what it was: shitty. The earth wall that Will had put up was pretty much the only form of defense that the mutants had from this militia(what else could they be?). Well, that is until reinforcements arrive. It wasn’t until a few minutes later that Jack saw them, in a brown jeep no less, that the reinforcements had arrived and in the form of X, Helena, and Annalise. It was a godsend. Not like Jack really believes in God, but still it was a miracle. As he saw what they each were doing on their own right to even the playing field, Jack was pretty happy that there was finally going to be some form of offense since all they were doing up until this point was hiding and putting up a defense. It wasn’t like they really had a choice, but nevertheless Jack is glad. The way the offense happened was like in a flash. It started with Helena taking Anna, obviously using her telekinetic powers, and Anna using her just-as-impressive Kinetic manipulation powers. The two of them as a team seemed perfect. Jack didn’t know until he saw it, but it seemed that Annalise had some kind of stone-like things in her hands and as she threw them to the enemy, a nice series of explosions occurred. [b]“Nice!”[/b] Jack said, releasing a moderate yell. The excitement of reinforcements and the possibility of payback was overtaking his natural calm demeanor. The explosions was met with a chance for the group of four to finally get some payback. Alex was the first to jump at the chance as he had used his powers of Weather Manipulation to get some payback of his own. Jack did the same, but he was more careful not to get caught by any array of bullets. He did take notice, however, of what Alex was doing. By the time that Alex had landed and had a lightning circulating around his arms. After Jack saw that, Alex just went crazy, using some sort of air vortex to circulate the lightning through it and well the frying of brains could have been implied. Meanwhile, Jack was preparing his own form of offense. [b]“Please let this work.”[/b] Jack said as he concentrated on his arms. After about fifteen seconds, ice began to form around Jacks hands. His feet also seemed to be gathering ice around too. It wasn’t before long that Jack had created semi-armor out of ice around his body. It was only on his hands and feet, but this still proved to be useful. Jack went in, full force and all. He noticed the incoming trucks, and that’s’ where attacked. As he jumped, a slide of Ice was created beneath his feet, and as he slid around the air(on the ice), he pointed his hands towards the incoming trucks. Instantly, darts of ice were launched towards them. As that was happening, Jack disconnected himself from the ice slide with a long jump, he twisted his body(it‘s horizontal at this point), and kicked the air in two separate motions. The result of that allowed two separate sickles of ice to be fired at the trucks. After about a minute of starting his assault, the ice he had gathered at his hands and feet were gone, and Jack landed on his feet. As soon a she did, he felt a bit winded, but not by much. [b]“Whoa, maybe that was a bit over the top.”[/b] Said Jack as he saw the trucks being covered in ice on the front part. The areas the darts hit were scratched, and even parts of the front of the trucks were torn off. That would add to whoever would attack the trucks next.