Name: David "Dave" Conway Age: 17 Year: Sixth [img][/img] Personality: Proud, happy, outgoing, these are some of the words that describe Dave. Being from a muggle family he has gained a lot of scrutiny from others, something that he usually answers with a swift punch to the face. Other than that he is not quick to anger and in fact one of the most laid back people you will know. His outgoing, accepting nature makes it easy for him to make friends but he has had a hard time making TRUE friends, something he feels he needs. On another side Dave is incredibly brave, something his father has taught him, [i]"Even if you are scared, fight on. That is the true measure of bravery."[/i] While Dave has the potential to become a powerful wizard he lacks the motivation to do so, the knowledge he can is good enough for him. House: Gryfindor Blood Status: Muggle born Animagus/Metamorphmagus: Nope. Anything else? Quidditch? Other Stuff?: -Dave didn't go into the wizarding world blind, his family has had a history of witches and wizards before, in fact his uncle is a wizard. -Does not like Quidditch or flying for that matter, instead he loves boxing and driving his motorcycle. -Knows how to cast the patronus charm, his uncle has taught it too him over several years and he now can cast it without problem. The happy memory is when his father knocked down the heavy weight champion in the boxing league back in the muggle world and patronus is a lion. -On that note Dave knows how to box. while lacking his fathers immense size, inheriting his mothers more slender but athletic build, he can still throw a massive punch and is how he usually settles his disputes with the pure bloods.