[center] [Eira Neeman] [/center][center] [img] http://data3.whicdn.com/images/31475602/AnimeWhiteHairLostGirl_large.jpg[/img] [img] http://i606.photobucket.com/albums/tt141/SasuMad/Night/AnimeGirl131.jpg[/img] Except with the same eye color as the top photo. [/center][center][Race] Vampire [/center][center] 18 || Female || Straight [/center][center] [Personality] Eira is a pretty outgoing individual. She gets mistaken for being much under her age and its one of her biggest pet peeves. She can be hard headed and pretty feisty even though she is small. Eira doesn’t like taking orders from others and can be a little hesitant when meeting new people. Once she trusts you though she's extremely loyal. With this war breaking out she is wondering if she is truly trusting the right people or if she should start questioning the people she is around more. [/center][center] [Other Information] N/A Possible to come later. [b]---[/b][/center] Ugh... sorry the pictures are huge. It's the only way to have everything centered right now. If I put it in a hider then it will show up on the left side. I can do that though if you guys want.