Orcs were strong. Decado knew that. He shouldn't have stayed close to the creature, even to try and finish him off. He stabbed his blade for the creature's neck, but his blade caught on the Orc's(D) breastplate half-heartedly, as Decado stumbled back from the shove. He managed to keep himself from falling though, dropping to one knee as he watched the Orc bring his huge blade to bear and swing it down. A small moment of panic filled Decado as he was still recovering his balance as the creature powered his entire body behind the string, but he pulled himself together. He rolled to the right and was on his feet again as the monstrosity crashed down on the ground, face first, unable to bring himself back up again in time. Decado moved quickly, planting his knee in the small of the Orc's back, to keep him from pushing himself back up again, and slammed his right hand blade through the back of it's neck, twisting the blade savagely, feeling the spine snap before pulling it out and standing again.