[center][b]Ulgahk[/b] Mustering Hall[/center] Slowly but surely, more people shuffled in. A human female, wood elf and another female joined the group in the Mustering Hall. Yet, no one spoke to one another. The only conversation going on was between the occasional drips and drops of water from the cavern ceiling. And then, another came in, an elf. He was a rather jolly looking fellow. The kind of jolly that made Ulgahk itchy. As in, “reach for his mace” itchy. What made matters worse was that this one was the first to talk. He got in the center of the room, making sure everyone could see him. Presumptuous, self-important little elf. Well, such was to be expected of their kind. Ulgahk snorted as the elf addressed the people. “Any apprehension I may have had before has dissipated, as a truer band of adventurers has surely never been. I will be pleased to make each of your acquaintances. First, allow me to commemorate this occasion.” Then the elf took out a lyre, and began to strum it. A Bard? Hah! And just like an elf to demand others names without revealing its own. But what really caught Ulgahk by surprise was what the Bard had said. “A truer band of adventurers…” The phrase etched a smile in his pale, scar-ridden face. This band of humans, elves and abominations. Adventurers! After only a few moments of the Bard’s music, Ulgahk ciouldn’t restrain himself, and let the hilarity of the Elf’s words consume him in laughter. Ulgahk rarely had anything worth laughing over these days, and he’d forgotten how otherworldly the sensation was. The sound he made was less like traditional laughter, and more like short, uneven growls. Like a dull blade sawing away at a thick cut of raw meat. The Orc felt like he might pass out just from the feeling, so he soon stopped and got to his feet. “Oh ho… adventurers are we? Well, it appears He works in strange ways. I did not expect to come upon a band of ‘adventurers’ when I was brought here! This should be VERY interesting!” Ulgahk chortled, regaining his composure and introducing himself. “I am called Ulgahk. Though you may know me by another name… ‘The Lonely Blade’.”