Light blonde hair floated as though suspended from gravity, and Argo sure as hell felt that way. Weightless, he seemed to be floating along the empty streets of a much too crowded town. Buildings towered over him, the sense of weightlessness also seeming to be in place among the skyscrapers as though only gravity could bring them topping over. "This is nice," mused Argo, his green eyes searching as he made his gentle way throughout the streets. "Very peaceful." [b]"Oh~! You're so cute!"[/b] Argo paused mid step, his hair falling over his eyes as his shirt rustled over his chest. The voice had echoed from everywhere but yet...had a wholeness about it. "Thank you," cheerfully answered the petite young man before asking in an almost sing-songy tune- "Who are you?" The sound of childish giggles surrounded him in the same haunting echo. It cut off short and Argo called out, his voice barely matching the echoes, "Hello~?" [b]"If you find me,"[/b] replied the voice, softer, much more devious, [b]"I'll let you know. And you better do it quick~"[/b] There was a sort of urgency in her voice that spurred something in Argo, and soon he was searching the large buildings, running through streets. His eyes caught a glimmer of movement, and with eagerness he followed suit, bare feet slapping against hard ground. Argo slowed as running became harder, his lungs closing up. Frantic, his eyes searched for the faceless voice, heaviness filling his body until one last step caused the ground beneath him to crumble. A breathless yell escaped his throat as he reached for something, anything to hold on to. Grabbing onto the side- the end of the city- he gasped, choking on air. What was that? What the heck was that? The sound of creaking from up above caused Argo to cautiously raise his dimmed eyes, cracks on the towering buildings evident even from the distance. "Ungh," grunted the boy as he fought to pull himself up, reaching past the cliff and barely nicking a toe before the buildings collapsed into an abyss. Cold sweat sent shivers down to his spine as he backed away from the edge leading to nowhere, his breathing ragged and sore. "Hah, hah," he panted, trying to articulate words of distress, "Fucking...what...hah...the..." [b]"Congratulations!"[/b] Argo jumped as smoke shot past him, collecting to a weak image of a rather attractive woman. Her face seemed to change the whole time, each more attractive than the last, but they were all similarly motherly in a sense. Wispy hair floated about her face, disappearing as it trailed away, much like smoke. On her lips were a smile too wide for her face, with teeth that were too large and too straight. She barely could form a body but made up for it in the eagerness of her attitude- [b]"Oh that was close, that was much too close,"[/b] cooed the woman as she came closer to Argo who had just backed away instinctively, [b]"I seriously thought you were a goner~! Come on, don't be like that, I promise I won't hurt you~,"[/b] "What... Who?" asked Argo, barely, as he caught his breath. Coughing, he asked again, "Who are you?" [b]"Couldn't you tell~? I am Uego, your hero."[/b] "My...? Oh, sorry," Argo apologized at the look on Uego's face, clearly demanding an introduction from him as well. "I'm Argo. Your damsel in distress." [b]"Oh how lovely~! You know, you could've died earlier. Aren't you glad I saved you~?"[/b] Deciding to play along, Argo pulled himself up to an upright sitting position. "Yeah, thank you. Uhm. Eugo-" [b]"It's Uego! YOo-GO!"[/b] The shout released a small jump from the teen and he coughed, quick to apologize with a smile. "Right, right, uhm, so... is this real right now?" [b]"Of course it is! You must be so scared being in a Nightmare all by yourself~, but you know I can help you right~? Because you're so cute~"[/b] Wait what? A nightmare? "Uhm," started Argo, wanting a continued explanation. Like, what? Was he dreaming? Usually an adrenaline rush from earlier was enough to wake him up, so either the world suddenly changed or this was a really, really vivid dream. [b]"Up up up,"[/b] shook Uego's head as her arms reached to cradle Argo's. The touch sent shivers, cold sweat trickling behind his ears. Uego whispered playfully, [b]"Before I help you, why don't you go ahead and sing me a song~?"[/b]