More questions, Goemon had to believe it was a good thing. He didn't know Russian, not anywhere near well enough to follow the quickly-spoken words Galina shared with Klara beside her. He didn't try to listen to hard either, feeling his position tenuous enough without inviting offense. She was continuing the conversation, seeming to accept all he told her and staying on the path to accepting the proposal in its entirety. A good thing, a great thing, but he forced himself to remain composed. He had still utterly failed to draw her in. She listened, she smiled, she spoke and seemed to go along, but still remained very much of her own mind. There would never be a time to get complacent. "I'm afraid I came aboard alone, but if you deem it acceptable, I can accompany Madame Antanova on the rest of the voyage." He offered the older woman a low nod of his head as he spoke. "That is, if she finds it acceptable, as well." "As for the boat in question, it is a former sloop converted into a motorboat. Not the fastest boat you'll find, but roomy, low-profile, and [i]quiet[/i]. My comrade is waiting along the [i]Empress'[/i] planned route, and should be pulling up alongside this vessel late in the evening, when most are focused indoors or on sleep." "As for meeting Mister Selvin, he seems to prefer staying belowdecks, and did say that he'd be in his cabin for much of the evening. There should be plenty of time for us to enjoy our meal, then go down and speak with Selvin before we depart." Taking another sip of his wine, Goemon stilled his voice and nodded to the waiter who happened to pass by. Catching the cue, the man cleared his place, someone else moving in almost immediately to replace the dirtied silver. Mechanical precision it seemed. Certainly impressive, though if ever asked later what he thought about the meal, he'd likely have very little to say. The conversation he was having [i]during[/i] the meal, however... "The only challenge might be when it actually comes time to leave the ship. The boat will approach to starboard, shielded from the moonlight by the [i]Empress[/i], but we'll likely want to make sure no one comes stumbling across us while we are tying off ropes and lowering people from the side of this vessel. Though maybe not that much of a challenge to overcome..." He offered a slight shrug as he spoke, nodding again in appreciation for the talents he knew Galina possessed. "But I feel I should mention that this plan isn't without risk... Not that I've ever found one that is." [i]That[/i] was truth so pure you could weigh it against a feather. The actual risk for this mission- for what Takahiro had planned- was daunting, but necessary. Some actions had to be taken, and while the precise way they were executed could be left open for interpretation, it remained fact that there was no alternative to what Goemon was doing here.