Seira rubbed her temples. Her head ached and her eyes were tearing badly. She was just getting comfortable when the man roughly pushed her and Camron off. She landed on her side with her blouse hitching up slightly. Embarrassed the young woman quickly adjusted her attire. She clutched her head again as she glared at Aden. What a jerk! He could have helped her up at the very least after shoving her off. She pouted slightly and before sitting cross legged once more. She suspected she would feel disoriented if she attempted to stand up again so suddenly. She could hear the scruffy Viking now questioning the strange looking brunette with the sword. The woman was standing rather awkwardly at the moment. Seira frowned. She prayed they were not about to meet yet another loony, because her tolerance was waning. The next psychopath who annoyed her will be shot! She is pretty sure self-defense is justified according to the A.M.R.O. regulations. The raven haired student killed the thought quickly. She didn’t want to start ruminating on whether or not she would be able to get away with murder because she is trying to deny the horrid possibility that A.M.R.O. view all Asylums were dispensable. Surely they all lived in more civilized times where human lives are worth more than the mission objectives. Life isn’t a game, and war wasn’t glamorous. She felt around the ground trying to find the gun. Her fingers rested on the cold metallic exterior of the barrel. Satisfied she moved her hand so that she could wrap her fingers round the grip. She remained oblivious to the fact that her teenaged partner had pushed the gun towards her when he saw her feeling around. “I do.” The solemn words hung in the air. The crushing weight that followed caused her to slump backwards as she let go of the gun. She lay in a compromising position with her legs slightly parted in front of her. She blushed furiously. Luckily the pressure lifted as the child Chrono materialized beside the behemoth and his red head partner. Seira pulled her legs together and righted herself once more. She tried her best to pay attention to the Gemille, but Angel’s action creeped her out. He definitely patted the unhinged female teen from before. The man has such a weird fetish. He seemed to like psychotic lolitas. Liking lolitas was bad enough, but being turned on by psychotic lolitas was just insane. Lina was probably right about him being the Chrono’s red caped pedophile lover. She wondered how long it would be before he tried soliciting the red eyed Goth girl. She was so absorbed in her internal debate about reporting Angel’s pedophilic tendencies to the proper authorities that she completely missed his monologue about soul cloaking. The sudden materialization of yet another individual floored her completely. She studied him carefully. He was much older than most of the Asylums she has seen and that speaks volumes about his capabilities. Suddenly he turned around to address Camron. Noticing that her partner was oblivious, Seira kicked the boy in the shin. The kid turned around and stared at their latest guest. Camron gaped as he noticed what had to be the coolest person ever. The man looked like a ninja with his black outfit and red scarf. Well even though the man doesn’t seem to be Japanese. Not that is surprised him. The new karate kid was a black boy, and the kid was still cool. Admiration shone in the boy’s eyes as he watched the man talk excitedly. He wished he knew what the other was saying. The content must have been riveting because no one else was interrupting the man. The teen was completely surprised by the look of disgust on Seira’s face as the man swooped down to help her up. She looked like she wanted to murder the poor ninja. “Why isn’t… oh right he can’t hear,” Seira muttered under her breath. Still she shot her partner a dark look when he appeared to be genuinely upset that perverted old geezer had disappeared once more. He gave her a puzzled a look in response. She rolled her eyes and reached into her pocket. Kai returned the bio-cybernetic device when she joined them earlier. She had debated about actually giving it to Camron, but she doubted leaving him in lurch would make their situation better. He needed to hear in order to survive. Well hopefully. Camron attempted to scout away as Seira crawled over to him. She still looked pissed and based on his past experiences with her he knew that it will not end well. He stiffened as she grabbed his collar and yanked him forward. He floundered in protest, but she batted his arms away. The boy squirmed as he felt her tickling his ear. Then he heard static. He paused as more sound filtered in. Words became clearer and clearer till finally he could make out a chirpy little voice. "Oh oh join us, big brother can get us ice-cream!" He beamed and yelled. “Count me in. I haven’t had chocolate ice cream in ages!” “Can you please listen before you speak?” Camron turned around and gave a start. He had expected to see a white Australian girl, but instead he found himself looking in Seira’s direction. He paused for a while trying to make sense of the whole situation. He can’t believe that an Asian can speak English fluently. He was sorely tempted to tease her by saying “G’day Mate”. A blue-grey flash make him jerk his head to the right. There was no mistaking the sound of a gun safety catch being disabled. He bit his lip as he saw a tanned nigger pressing a gun to the back of Seira’s head. He slowly lifted his hands up in the air to show that he wasn’t armed. He watched enough of American movies to know that you should take an armed black guy seriously even if he happened to be sporting cornrows. The man reminds him of Blade ironically even with that weird hair style choice. “We come in peace,” he said meekly. “Tell me what the gun looks like,” came the bossy voice in his head again. He realized it was Seira. He moved his mouth soundless. “Try to picture it in your mind. Just trust me, okay?” she commanded telepathically. “Are you going to do some cool martial arts shit?” he thought. “Oh shut up,” Seira retorted mentally.