Jorge waved his hand in a dismissive, but not rude, way. "It really is no problem," he lied. "Things like that happen. It kind of seems like I'm part of the small colored group of kids in this place, so of course security was going to stop and check me." He shook his head a little, but not at what he had just said. He shook his head because, out of all the people in this stupid school, he had to meet a supposed friend of the dude who got him into trouble in the first place. If he was lucky, he wouldn't have to run into him, or anyone else, for that matter. As soon as Harper asked if he was new, and about how he was liking the school so far, Jorge stopped abruptly and looked at the ceiling for a moment. His tiny smile faded and twisted into a frown. [i]How am I liking it here? How am I liking it here? It's fucking horrible here. This school sucks, this city sucks, this fucking town sucks. I wanted to stay in Cali, but no, we had to move.[/i] Jorge blinked and shook his head, getting out of his fog, and shrugged. "Yeah. I'm new. School is fine, for the most part." He started walking again and took a deep breath. It was obvious that this girl was the type who wouldn't be satisfied with that kind of an answer, so, before she could ask, he spoke up again. "Classes are okay. Teachers are fine. A lot of white people though. I mean, not that it's bad, but I;m just not used to it. Where I'm from, the school is really mixed" He turned the corner into the auditorium and walked down to the middle of the building. He slipped into one of the aisles, and took a seat in the middle of it. He was silent for a moment, then nodded towards the stage, and towards the painted set. "So, did you do that?"