...A flash of light. Then another. And another. Each in accordance to her eyes opening and closing as she slowly regained consciousness. Curled up in a tight ball, her arms wrapped around an ornate wooden staff, she came to in a terribly small room. Once she had her bearings enough to sit up, she canted her head to a series of shelves that held ruined books, destroyed jars, and ashes mingling with the settling dust. ...Where was she? On top of that, why did she feel so [i]sick?[/i] A grimace came as she forced herself up, only to find the door leading out blocked by rubble and ruin galore. ...She should probably work on getting out of here...A quick smack of her staff proved completely and utterly [b]ineffective[/b] as the ruins did not so even much as budge. It'd require at least three people, herself included, to get out from the looks of things... ...Let's see. One, this was a terrible place to spawn. Let that be known. Perhaps NPCs were around? A scripted event? Who knew. She was so damn lost at this point, that she was trying to treat it as normally as possible. First off, getting out. [i]"HELLO! Is anyone out there? A little help would be welcomed!"[/i] Another slam of her staff against the door would be made, somewhat regretting her choice for this moment only as she surrendered to the fact that there just wasn't any strength on her to get out. [i]"I wonder if I have anything to-"[/i] Just as she asked aloud, a screen popped up to her left -- [u]Inventory[/u]. It showed the basic current equipment she wore. ...of course. Nothing of use to get her out of this situation. Just her luck. Note to self: Incorporate a noclip function when she made her first MMO, or don't let there be spawn points in the stupidest of areas.