The insults were what shook the soldier out of his shock. With realization of what the man was saying, anger blazed in his eyes. No god damned wastelander scumbag would get away with insulting his position as a soldier, even if he had just soiled himself! Sabin would throw the teddy bear aside, pulling himself to his feet in a fury. He'd stand up straight and stare the man in the eyes, his fists clenched. "You know what? Fuck you! I hadn't peed all day, how the hell was I supposed to know that some damned mutant would come and squeeze it out of me? I ain't scared of that radiated crapbag," He said, turning his head toward the nightkin, "and I ain't 'fraid of you neither! You talk big, as if you were some kin' a high and mighty lord or somethin', but you ain't anything, ya hear?! I'm a soldier, I belong wherever the hell I want, and if you think you're so tough yourself than get your barking ass up here and prove it!" Sabin was in a rage, he wouldn't take some arrogant wastelander telling him that he wasn't meant to be a soldier. "I doubt you'd have the guts to fight for what you believe in, like I am! I fight for a better world, a land where one can sleep safely in their homes without fear of becoming victim to some passing raider or slaver, I fight for a world of justice, of equality! A place where people are safe from arrogant idiots like yourself! I bet that's more than you could ever say for yourself, I don't think you fight for anything!" The soldier would be screaming now, anger splayed across his features as he gave his little passion-filled rant, looking onto Poe with disgust.