Appearance: [hider=Typical Look][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Clothing usually worn: As little as she can possibly afford to. During her performances, Sierra can be found with very skimpy clothing, typically a robe that reveals her back and a modest amount of cleavage. When she feels that she can afford to be less flashy, she dons many fancy dresses of several kinds that she's lugged around with her for a while. Anything different from appearance than what is seen above: Sharp canine teeth, red eyes. Name: Sierra Altrouise de Ramvere III Title: Sierra of the Crimson Waltz Gender: Female Age: Around 27-30, she never says for sure. Country of Origin: Born in Spain, but her lineage is mostly Dutch. Race: Witch Siphon: Blood. Specifically the blood of an unfaithful male. Magic: Hypnotic suggestion. Sierra herself cannot command, or make anyone do something that they don't want to do against their will. However, what she CAN do is get inside their head, and plant little suggestions, ideas, seeds. The point is that the person they're planted into passes over the seed mentally, and has an idea they believe is theirs that she can have benefit her, them, or anyone around them. However, she cannot plant something completely out of character for that person, or the seed itself will die. She can't make an overly innocent little girl turn into a murderer. Most of the time, this does not work due to the mind purging the seeds, but on the occasions that it does indeed work, it's mostly for her own advantage. Skills: Cooking some rather exquisite dishes Rather good at convincing people to do things for her Skilled in fencing Personality: Flirtatious, loose, kind, two-faced, and cunning. History: She rarely refers to it. Caravan Duties: Sierra does her best to act as a sort of den-mother, trying her best to keep arguments and issues to a minimum. Dancing for the entertainment of others would be her main priority. Theme song: [hider=Maneater][youtube]yRYFKcMa_Ek[/youtube][/hider] Loves: Azga, teasing people, reading, practicing her magic. Likes: Performing, warm tea with a drop of honey, new clothes. Dislikes: The sound of insects during silence, cold tea, people who are overly eager. Hates: Pretentious people, people who can't take a compliment, intense heat. Glass