[quote=Gyrin] Sorry I have been and will most likely be for a long time now inactive.My best friend was sent to hospital recently, she Is in for major surgery to save her life, if everything goes well.She has asked me to visit her every day, bring news from the "Outside" world.. and be her company. So as it goes.. I will not be posting for a while and this time is not designated.This is also a short post, because of that. [/quote] Dear, Friends. What has been a wonderful experience is going to abruptly come to end, as of this day. The weights of life have heavily outweighed my ability to keep this Role Play going. I have been struggling with many things of late, I haven't been able to work on anything.. nor focus on important things. The past two weeks of my holiday have been horrendous, tiring, depressing all that emo crap, that I hate, but can't be stopped. LIFE has been kicking me up the ass for a while now, even though we are getting a new house, it doesn't balance against the dilemma that had occurred. Now comes the bit on which happens to be why I quoted an older post. The Doctors, have tried everything to save her so far. They have put everything into the hope for a sheer miracle, she has 3 months left of life expectancy, they have 3 months to figure out what to do... and it's cut me short, it's stopped my focus, I was so sure of myself. But it's like losing this one friend would hurt me, I wouldnt be able to live. She's the big sister, I never had..