HERES Johnny XD anyway CS Name: Soulless Bliss Age: 14 Personality: Keen sense of wonder (likes to explore everything) calm and understanding outside of battle but in battle Becomes a becomes Feral like a wolf and extremely smart [img][/img] 1- Pokemon Name Lillipup nick: Fang Pokemon Level 11 Pokemon Attacks Ice fang bite tackle Fire fang [img][/img] 2- Pokemon Name Swablu nick: Nest Pokemon Level 8 Pokemon Attacks peck,Growl,Sing,Dragon rush(using it causes it to faint due to not having mastery yet) [img][/img] 3- Pokemon Name Aron Nick: Vanguard Pokemon Level 6 Pokemon Attacks Tackle Harden Mudslap Head Smash (using this attack causes tremendous damage to aron)