[b]Samarkset, Crimson King[/b] The clouds formed a dense cover over the blue sky. A farmer looked up and thanked God; there had been a drought. "May!" he shouted back towards a small hut in the middle of the field, a hut that served as his home. "Get out the buckets! Storm's a-comin!" Their house had a rather large issue with the leaky roof, which tends to happen when you and your wife are the only one actively maintaining it, and for that matter, the only ones who built it in the first place. This, as you may already have guessed, was no ordinary rainstorm. The clouds began moving in a circular vortex, a hole opening in the middle and going up as high as anyone could see. The farmer, whose name was Billy Bob Joe Junior (I kid you not) watched with something of awe and horror as he retreated towards his house, unable to take his eyes off the impending disaster. The hole began glowing with a strange red light, and flickers of crimson energy appeared in other places along the cloud, which now covered Billy's entire visibility of the sky. He slowly stepped back onto the porch, his face now more horror than awe. His wife, May, stepped out of the hut, and almost said something, before she saw the cloud and adopted Billy's expression. May grabbed onto his arm, and watched over his shoulder, trying to shield as much of herself with billy as she could. A single ray of sunlight peered out of the massive hole, which was now rotating along with the entire cloud. And something massive, brilliant, and bright red hurled out of the hole, almost like a meteor, and struck straight in the middle of the cornfield. Chunks of rock, clouds of dirt, and quite a bit of popcorn flew up from the impact, almost like a geyser of some sorts. Billy, being a quite religious man, mistook Samarsket's birth for the Rapture. He immediately bent down to his knees, and began praying fervently, asking the Lord to forgive his sins, how he was an honest man, how he was wrong to knock May up before marrying her, how he apologized for selling his crops to negroes, and so on. There was no Lord listening to him. Samarsket stood up in the field, and let loose a roar of such volume that it would be heard across the entire East Coast of the US. Birds flew up from trees, squawking and babbling, babies began crying, dogs barked, and every pane of glass in a three mile radius, including the ones in Billy's house, shattered into a thousand pieces. May, stunned by the sight of Samarsket, fainted, falling backwards through the doorway. Billy would not go down quite as easily. Samarkset began walking towards the hut, passively flapping his wings and readying his whip. There was something decidedly evil in his eyes. Now, if we take a look at the world from inside Samarsket's head, everything looks wildly different. Everything is much higher contrast than a human's eyes would see. Reds are redder, blues are bluer, and colors humans have no names for are present everywhere. His eyes are capable of receiving a larger spectrum of colors, delving slightly into ultraviolet. We can see Samarsket's whip, ready for use, his other arm outstretched. His head is also a weapon in itself, as he can breathe large cones of flame. His tail has a large spiked ball at the end which can be used as a mace, and his wings make excellent shields. He is designed for combat. Back in Billy's point of view. He runs into his house, and reemerges with a large shotgun who he has lovingly named Bertha. May used to joke that he loved that shotgun more than he loved her. That was when they were both still alive. I'm spoiling it, aren't I? Too bad. Samarsket stopped suddenly, and stared at the man. He was easily three times as tall as Billy, and both much thicker, and far more intimidating. Suddenly, an image popped into Billy's mind: [img=http://startupphenomenon.com/2013/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/city_by_the_bay_1232.jpg] [i]The creature is trying to communicate with me![/i] was billy's first thought. Without lowering his gun, which was quaking quite fervently, Billy pointed towards the city of Lost Haven, which was a few miles due east. Billy knew the location well, it was where he sold his crops. Samarsket nodded thanks and began walking in the direction, trampling and burning the crops along the way. May woke up a few hours later, and she told billy all about a crazy dream she had with a huge Demon. Billy let her believe it was a dream, and he almost wanted to believe it himself. Almost.