Helena nearly lost herself in the scent of Annelise, and the warmth of her lover's body as her arms were locked around the girl for Annalise's own safety. Hel felt her lips trace the back of Lise's neck as her eyes watched the show below them. [i]Lightning and ice and earthquakes, ohmy.[/i] Although turning her body just so let her watch X hop from one truck, left without a concious driver to flip and crash, to another truck. She was about to watch X shish kabob a motherfucker before the mental message struck her from Will. "Hold on, Will's in trouble." Hel's flight path brought both girls down so quickly, and with so much force, it took her telekinesis to buffer their landing so both their legs didn't snap like twigs upon hitting earth. The Alabama native let go of Annalise's waist, but immediately grabbed her hand. "Stay [i]close[/i] to me, do you hear me?" Her brown eyes flared with such passionate protectionism, it might have looked to someone else like Helena was angry with Annelise. She wasn't, just terrified of anything happening to the girl she was falling more in love with by the day. Nevermind Helena was certain X had just dispatched the last of the bads. A quick look down the road caught the human in the pickup truck with a cellphone aimed in their direction. A low growl sounded from her throat as her hands slapped together, causing the human middle aged man in the parked pickup to lose his eyesight as quickly and simply as if Helena had unplugged his optical nerves from his brain. Figuratively speaking, of course, that was exactly what she had done. "Go get that cell phone!" Helena gave the order to Jack and Alex, whichever snapped to first, before she remembered the last bit. "Then go get X and her jeep and hurry back to the Ranch!" Helena had a feeling they didn't have long. She had seen just what the world was like through Rob and X's eyes. She knew the dangers of exposing themselves. She knew the hellfire that was surely coming their way now--literally. "Will?" Her hand let Lise's go as her body dropped to kneel besides Will, her hands taking Will's head in their possession, her eyes studying Will's fast fading conciousness. "Hey, prettygirl, come back to me." There just wasn't time. They needed Will concious. They needed her moving. [i]This is going to hurt...[/i] Helena had only tried it once. And that was on a sick animal she had come across during one of her many long rides along the Last Five. The idea was simple: transfer mental energy from herself to the fading Will. Like a Vulcan taking a human into a mindmeld, Helena's eyes closed with grave intent, her lips moving silently as she forced Will's mind open, and began pushing energy...it wasn't until she heard Lise yelling at her that she knew it'd gone too far. And even then, Lise's yells sounded like Helena herself was underwater, and Annelise was above the surface and yelling down at her. When her eyes opened, the very light of the day made her eyes wince shut, the hot trail of blood dripping from her nose down to her lips bringing the taste of metal into her mouth. Helena shook her head, hard, and stumbled up to her feet, holding her arms out to signal Annelise away. "...give me a second..." A violent cough racked Helena's body, her head turning to spit a mix of saliva and blood from her mouth. She never opened her eyes when her telekinesis took hold of Annelise and Will, and it was with little more than a prayer that Helena launched all three of them into the sky. It wasn't normal flight. Annelise would know it immediately with the way their flight path shook and swayed this way and that. And when the Ranch came into view...there was no landing. Only crashing. Before Helena felt the last bits of strength escape her, she was able to aim them into the deep end of the Ranch's olympic sized pool. Helena gasped for air as conciousness began to leave her, her body convulsing when instead only water began to enter her lungs.