XCOM Enemy Unknown Season 1: The Coming Storm --- Screams in the distance. Gunshots that disturbed the peace of night. Automatic shots, slowing down in pace. Single shots. A return to peace. A single, solitary survivor was running away, blood flowing like a snake down his arm. She could barely see the VTOL transport past the dense darkness, her bruised mind not helping. Despite the bullet in her arm, her rapidly thinning blood, she ran as fast as she could, running out of breath fast, her heart beating twice as hard. Screams. Screams in the darkness. Screams that no one had given before. Screams that came not from this Earth. The survivor ran, and against all odds, came within a yard of the transport. She had lost her sidearm without realising it. Her arms felt numb, her mind ready to sleep. Climbing aboard, as if climbing up a cliff, she laid on her back, finally allowing herself to rest, enjoying the safe embrace of calm... Falling asleep... Letting the troubles drift away... Yet she stopped herself, and with great effort, stood herself up like the soldier she was. One step forward and another, she brought herself to the door leading into the VTOL craft's cockpit and knocked. No reply. She knocked again. Nothing. Finally growing impatient with the terror from beyond returning to her heart, the survivor grabbed ahold of the cockpit door's handle and pulled it open, realising vaguely through the thick fog of approaching unconsciousness that the door seemed too easy to open. It jammed halfway, broken. And inside were two stiff men in their seats with gaping holes in their flight helmets, blood overflowing. A strange tree stood inside it, but when a lightning illuminated the cockpit briefly, the survivor saw that it was no tree, but something- someone tall, far too tall, far too wrong. Stumbling back, the survivor ran, having found renewed strength in the horror of her discovery. But she did not need to run for long, for soon a bullet had ripped through the cockpit door, the kevlar plate on her back and through her heart. Falling forward on the hard transport floor, she laid herself on her back one last time, the numbness in her arms spreading like cold fire, letting the troubles drift away. Before she closed her eyes one last time, she was able to see her killer one last time; a figure looming over her, the figure of the tree-like man, staring straight into her soul through his strange shades. Another lightning, and the survivor slept for the last time. A storm is coming. --- XCOM Enemy Unknown Season 1: The Coming Storm is a mixed Casual-Advance RP drawing players from both categories. The title says it all; it is an RP based on the XCOM universe. While it may draw many elements and inspiration from the 2K/Firaxis vision of XCOM, this RP will attempt to take the best things offered by every instalment and spiritual successors of the original (and the original itself). As such, while there's going to be plenty of sci-fi and action, there's also going to be alot of horror (and terror), or survival horror. As this is a Casual-Advance RP, there will be two interest checks- one in casual and one in advance. However, all players will abide by the same rules, which are tailored for many diverse kinds of roleplayers. For the time being, I'm interested in a maximum of ten roleplayers to start things off. Anything less would actually be beneficial to the RP, but I'm going to be a bit more generous. If there's actually enough interest, I'll post the OOC (which has already been prepared off-site) then arrange things from there. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46610/posts/ooc]Advance Interest Check[/url]