"I make no secret I'm not a follower of the 8 divines the Thalmor regard highly. Akatosh, Stendarr, Kynareth... I've got better things to do than spend my life praying to gods. Needless to say, and I don't know how they came to think about this, the Thalmor came to the conclusion I was a worshipper of Talos, and they weren't keen to hear my side of the story. Needless to say I've been on the shit list ever since, having had to fight my way out of that encounter." Cronic said, looking at Aria setting the journal and quill aside while he waited for the Ink to dry. "Hence why I typically use an alternate name if I have to pass through somewhere I know there are Thalmor agents operating. For what good it'll do. It's helped me dodge arrests by the Thalmor on some occasions, but on others, not so much." Cronic said, as he sighed. "Someone needs to knock those damn High Elves off their bloody perch."