[u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10543859_1646071468950707_689772577_n.jpg?oh=46cfec426675b86f0b117711d45dd264&oe=53C4F829&__gda__=1405400377_aba578d374b11387b09309bdab33b13d[/img] [hider=real][img]http://www.midwestsportsfans.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Conor-Oberst.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Richard [u][b]Age:[/u][/b] 20 [b][u]Noteworthy Skills:[/u][/b] Extremely smart Bilingual (Irish, Spanish, French) [b][u]Weapons:[/b][/u] A [url=http://www.blackmountainforge.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/knife122222.jpg]standard cooking knife[/url] A [url=https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCdW0X0ANF4ipgKpQAxl6w7TsG0daQjeSsdT1Kqd2JlBeQNKsi] rusty machete[/url] [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Richard has a tendency to be a little too honest with people, he's extremely realist when it comes to life and won't tell people "everything will be okay" if it's not the truth, this has gotten him in a lot of trouble before because he often criticizes people where criticism is not welcome. Being on the more introverted side, and being homeschooled most of his life, Richard isn't the best at talking to other people, at least not a normal conversation, while he is someone who likes to take charge and be a leader, if you were to ask him what his favorite color was he would get flustered and probably say "cheese", or something of the kind. As earlier stated he is a leaderly guy, being the smart person he is he believes he knows what's best, having a very good strategic eye. He is good at mapping out a plan and helping execute it, but, he is perfectly okay with standing back and letting someone else take the lead, even if it's not his favorite thing to do. Richard is often faced with moral dilemmas, he was raised by various nannies and teachers and not his parents, who were supposed to teach him the difference between right and wrong, since he hardly ever knew his parents he didn't, and doesn't, know the difference, and often he chooses what's best for him instead of what's best for others, getting people hurt in the process. While he is awkward and a little shy, he's also kind of a dick, he calls people out on their faults, is selfish, doesn't like people, and all around doesn't know how others should be treated, he can be pegged as kind of an asshole. Of course, he doesn't know this, he was raised believing all of his actions were normal, but, while he may be a jerk he is a caring jerk, he only says the things he says in an attempt to better people, because he wants them to learn, the way he goes about this of course is not the best, but he tries. He's a reluctant hero, unintentional trouble seeker, with extremely bad luck and little to no self worth, but, he looks out for the people he likes and is extremely loyal. [b][u]History:[/b][/u] Richard was gifted from a young age, it was apparent from grade school he was going to be someone of high status, he surpassed all of his fellow students and was in honors class from grade school up until middle school, from there is was all downhill. His grades weren't slipping, of course, it was more that [i]he[/i] was. Not that he was loosing his mind, no, bullies were the root of his evil, being lanky, weak, smart, with glasses and all things that pointed to being a prey, he was bullied to the point of being suicidal. When he told his parents this, they took him out of public school and decided to homeschool him, but both were very busy individuals so instead of schooling him themselves they hired tutors, nannies, and various other teachers do it for them. But, Richard disliked every single one of the teachers he was placed with. It was obvious they were only there for the money and not to actually teach him, until he met Susan Smith, a young Irish girl who taught in order to pay for her college tuition, Richard thought she would be like the rest, but, as time proved he was very very wrong. On the first day of their schooling together, Susan did nothing, literally nothing, but stare at Richard, squinting and muttering to herself. On the second day, the same thing. Until three days in, Richard finally asked when they would be doing school, she smiled then. "See, I knew you had it in you, you have to learn to speak up. That is your first lesson, speak up." Richard was in awe, she was insane, she wasn't teaching him she was conning him. But, alas, his parent's would have none of his 'she's insane' talk, for they assured she was the best they could find. School only got worse from then on, Susan came in one day, eating an apple off of the tree in his front yard, when he asked what she was doing she just yelled, "think fast," and threw the core at him. It hit in square in the face. This happened again for three days until he finally caught the apple core. "See, I'm teaching you how to-." "let me guess, this fast?" "Not really, you have to have your wits about you, now come on." School from then on was a blur, Susan was insane, Richard was stubborn, and he was hardly learning anything, but, in a way he guessed he was learning a lot. She taught him nonsense things but he learned, and he was better off for it he guessed, but, just like the rest she left after getting paid and was off to college. On his 16th birthday he had already graduated "high-school", and had a part time job at a science lab. Having excelled in the scientific field, from then on his life was just the same. When 19 years old, the world changed, zombies came and he was taken away by his parents to a safe place, being as rich as they were they had this all figured out, but, alas, the rich held no stock in the world once it was falling to pieces, his father was bitten and his mother committed suicide after he turned, Richard had to kill the other of them once they turned and from then on he was on his own, he didn't seek other people because he had always done best on his own, and he avoided anyone who wanted to help him. He liked being on his own.